Michael Nagel wrote: > Hello there, > > there seem to be some unmaintained universe packages, This looks offtopic here; ubuntu-motu would have been a better place. > e.g. glipper: > https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/glipper/+bug/255060 > e.g. gcusor: > https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gcursor/+bug/152719 > > these packages suffer from bit rot, they have worked once (probably), but are broken now, and nobody cares for them. > > what's done in such cases? If you can take care of them, or find somebody who wants to maintain them (probably because he uses them), that's ok. Otherwise, you could ask for them to be removed from the archive, to do so file a bug saying so and subscribe ~ubuntu-universe-sponsors. But glipper is in Debian too, and it seems to be maintained, so I'm not sure that's a good idea. Cheers, Emilio
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