Hello Lukasz, Lukasz Szybalski [2008-11-26 19:21 -0600]: > python setup.py sdist > > Unfortunately it does not include all files in the package/ files > under revision. No idea about setuptools_bzr, but Jason already replied to that. FWIW, I also maintain my own MANIFEST.in, since my project (jockey) creates some autogenerated files which need to go into the source, too, and doesn't ship everything in bzr. My "do-release" script has this rule to check that I didn't forget anything: # check manifest ./setup.py build ./setup.py sdist -o ./setup.py clean -a missing=$(for f in `find -type f ! -path '*.bzr*' ! -name '.coverage' ! -name 'MANIFEST*' ! -name do-release ! -name TODO`; do grep -qFx "${f#./}" < MANIFEST || echo $f; done) if [ -n "$missing" ]; then echo "MANIFEST is missing the following files:" echo "$missing" exit 1; fi So for every new file I either need to add it to the find blacklist, or to MANIFEST.in. Maybe it helps anyone. Martin -- Martin Pitt | http://www.piware.de Ubuntu Developer (www.ubuntu.com) | Debian Developer (www.debian.org)
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