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Re: [Launchpad-users] Your top three wishes for Launchpad? (4.0 planning)

On Thu, Aug 20, 2009 at 11:45 AM, Karl Fogel<karl.fogel@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> With the 3.0 release coming up soon, we're beginning the 4.0 planning
> process.  To help with prioritization, we'd like to know your top 3
> wishes for Launchpad 4.0.  Please follow up in this thread, and...

1. Some sort of web hosting for projects. A wiki would be fine.

2. The ability to disable mail notifications that are directed to me
through a specified team. I'm in some teams that were made part of
other teams and it bugs me that I receive those indirect team emails.
I'm also in some teams for the access that membership provides but
don't want to receive email from them.

3. An IRC bot that mentions tip changes on launchpad-hosted branches. :-)

Christopher Armstrong

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