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Re: [Launchpad-users] Line Ending Problems

On Sun, 2009-09-27 at 18:37 -0700, Charlie Poole wrote: 
> Hi All,
> Several of my projects (e.g.: nunitv2, nunit-3.0, nunit-summary)
> started out on windows and have crlf line endings. Now that
> I've got a few people working in linux, we are starting to
> see issues with our diffs, with the real changes buried in
> the midst of a bunch of line ending changes.
> I've looked at using the eol setting in the rules file, but 
> I have a 'few' questions...
The best documentation I have seen on the subject of bzr rules for eol
handling appear in the bzr user reference[1].

> 1) Will using this filter require updating each dev's repo
>    format? What about the format on Launchpad?
Only if the repo format version is less than "1.14", bzr info -v will
show the format even for remote repositories as long as the access
method is sftp or http, not bzr+ssh!  To enable this you'll need bzr
version >= 1.14 on everyone's machine who'll be contributing (this will
be a natural outgrowth of upgrading the repository format at least to

> 2) How can I ensure that everybody uses the proper eol value?
Set the rule for everything that isn't platform-specific to "native" or
"native-with-crlf-in-repo".  DOS- or Win-specific files like batch files
(*.bat) can have a rule "crlf" while *nix-specific files like shell
scripts (*.sh) can have a rule "lf".

> 3) How can I initially force all the stored line endings to
>    the selected value? Or do I have to do that? 
No need to initially force all stored line endings to a particular value
because after you upgrade the repository and set up the rules the next
commit of each file will change the line-endings of that file to conform
to the rules you have set up.

> 4) If I do make such a change, will it mess up the history?
The automatic change at the next commit should not mess up the history.
The diff will merely show unannounced line ending changes if the rules
specify a change.

> 5) Am I better off using native or native-with-crlf-in-repo
>    in this situation?
I would suggest native for a new project but native-with-crlf-in-repo
for this situation as this will not introduce any superfluous
line-ending changes in the history.
> 6) Is this likely to get easier in the future and - if so -
>    am I better off doing something temporary for now and
>    planning on a major change later?
I doubt the situation is going to become simpler.  I suspect this is a
case of irreducible complexity.  On the other hand, a reasonably simple
set of rules will allow you to avoid a lot of grief as bzr will just
make sure your file abides by the line-endings you specified in the
rules configuration when it commits changes to a file!

Recommended rules file:  $BZR_HOME/.bazaar/rules
[name *.png]
eol = exact

[name *.bat]
eol = crlf

[name *.sh]
eol = lf-with-crlf-in-repo

[name *]
eol = native-with-crlf-in-repo
The first rule is for binary files that may not have a null byte--bzr
won't even try to change their line endings.

Next is for a file that is native to CRLF environment (MS-DOS, Windows).

Then we have a rule to avoid unnecessary line-ending changes in an
already CRLF repository for a file whose native environment uses LF
line-endings (Linux, *nix).

Finally, for everything else, leave the repository in CRLF but use the
native format for working trees.  This avoids further unnecessary
line-ending changes.

Let me know if you have more questions about bzr or if any of these
answers miss the mark or bring up other questions.



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