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Re: [Launchpad-users] Line Ending Problems

2009/10/29 Charlie Poole <charlie@xxxxxxxxx>:
> Thanks for the help so far... it's taken a while to get it implemented
> and now we have another blockage...
> After upgrading bazaar and our repository format, I set up a rules
> file similar to what you describe. I did a commit from a linux
> machine with the rules in place and then did a pull from a
> windows machine. All the text files had LF only endings.
> I experimented and found that for a standalone tree or a shared
> repository with trees, it worked OK but for a lightweight checkout
> of a local shared repository I end up with the wrong line endings
> if I merely pull. I have to recreate the shared checkout.
> Is this a bug? A known bug?

That certainly sounds like a bug.  Ian has done some work on this
recently.  Please check the bug tracker and if it's not known, please
file a new bug.

Martin <>

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