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Re: [Launchpad-users] Your thought wanted on Launchpad code imports

2009/10/29 Cody A.W. Somerville <cody-somerville@xxxxxxxxxx>:
> Hello,

What a nice response to start off with :-)
>> * If you've used it in the past but no longer use it, why?
>> * When you use imports, what are you trying to accomplish?
> Ability to interact with non-bzr branch easily with bzr.

To clarify, what I meant was: why are you doing this?  You're trying
to cherrypick changes our of an upstream branch, or trying to look at
the history behind a particular line of code, or ...?

>> * Did you ever ask for a new branch to be imported, and if so how did
>> that work out?
> I'm not sure how this is different from the first question.

What I meant was: do you only look at import branches that already
exist, or do you sometimes ask for new projects to be imported?

>> * If you encountered problems, did you ask for help or look at the
>> documentation?  Where did you look, and did it solve your problem?
> I requested help on the #launchpad irc channel.

... and got it, I presume?


Martin <>

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