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[Launchpad-users] Attracting participation


Every project benefits from participation by interested users.  If not by doing 
the work, which is invaraibly quite varied, requiring different tallents, then 
by criticism and/or encouragement.  People are motivated by both and need 
both.  The "developers" are "people" :)

I have been involved for a while with writing of a book with programs to 
support it.  It now has been regisered as "easmy" project on Launchpad (easmy, 
because easy was allready taken up.)  I want to make it as easy as possible 
for people to express their interest (or lack of it) to that project and 
therefore make it possible for registered Launchpad members to join the 
project as simply as possible.  I have seen in some project a link for 
registering interest in the project, subject to acceptance by the 
"administrator" of the project.

How do I go about putting that in easmy, preferrably in its home page?  

Like so many other facilities, it probably is very elementary so that 
"everybody" knows - but I don't  :(

Thank you in anticipation,

Algis Kabaila, MEngSc, PhD(Eng)

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