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Re: [Launchpad-users] Upload on ppa Launchpad

On Tuesday 10 November 2009 14:25:27 Natal Ngétal wrote:
> So it looks like everything went weel, but the package doesn't appear on
>  the page!

Hi there!

There are a couple of reasons why this might happen.
 * You forgot to sign your changes file
 * You signed your changes file with a GPG key that is not known to Launchpad

Normally you will get an email informing you whether the upload worked or not.  
In both these cases, Launchpad throws away the upload and refuses to email 
anyone because in the first case, we don't know who uploaded it, and in the 
second case, we don't want to spam the innocent.

Hope that helps!  Thanks for using PPAs.

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