Hello, I have been trying to create a PPA but had some problems... I'm trying to send a deb package I made for a Perl lib on a PPA ( https://launchpad.net/~hobbestigrou/+archive/curses-toolkit) I have created. I created a ~/.dput.cf file like this: > [curses-toolkit] > fqdn = ppa.launchpad.net > method = ftp > incoming = ~hobbestigrou/curses-toolkit/ubuntu > login = anonymous > allow_unsigned_uploads = 0 > It's the first time I use dput, but I don't think there is a mistake in it. There is a name I gave to the ppa, the fqdn of every ppa, the path to my ppa, the ftp method, the anonymous login, and that the packages must be signed. Everything is like in the PPA doc : https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA/Uploading. Then I run dput: dput curses-toolkit libcurses-toolkit-perl_0.093000-2_i386.changes > It looks like everything went well: > Good signature on > projets/deb/curses-toolkit/libcurses-toolkit-perl_0.093000-2.dsc > Uploading to curses-toolkit (via ftp to ppa.launchpad.net): > Uploading libcurses-toolkit-perl_0.093000-2.dsc: done. > Uploading libcurses-toolkit-perl_0.093000-2.tar.gz: done. > Uploading libcurses-toolkit-perl_0.093000-2_all.deb: done. > Uploading libcurses-toolkit-perl_0.093000-2_i386.changes: done. > Successfully uploaded packages. > Indeed, if I try running again dput, I get a message telling me the package is already on Launchpad: > Already uploaded to curses-toolkit on ppa.launchpad.net > Doing nothing for libcurses-toolkit-perl_0.093000-2_i386.changes > So it looks like everything went weel, but the package doesn't appear on the page! https://launchpad.net/~hobbestigrou/+archive/curses-toolkit<https://launchpad.net/%7Ehobbestigrou/+archive/curses-toolkit> ftp://ppa.launchpad.net/~hobbestigrou/curses-toolkit/ubuntu/<ftp://ppa.launchpad.net/%7Ehobbestigrou/curses-toolkit/ubuntu/> I tryied several things but I have no idea why it doesn't work. It would help me a lot if somebody had a link to a documentation, or an idea that could help me resolve this problem. Thank you, -- \0/ Hobbestigrou site web: http://erakis.im
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