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Re: [Launchpad-users] Hosting pdf files and saving the ssh keys.

On Tue, 2009-11-17 at 07:39 +1100, Algis Kabaila wrote:
> I still would like to know How can I insert a link to and upload a
> pdf file.  
> I expect it to be something very simple, like click some command.  It
> is 
> nevertheless very frustrating, particularly if it is simple.
> I find that GUI, all GUI, is harder to document that command line UI.
> For this 
> reason for someone with little "live" contact with other users of
> computers 
> GUI can be very frustrating. 

Launchpad does not support uploads for project documentation. Uploads
are only available for releases. If the documentation does not belong in
the projects source code, consider registering a series named
"documentation", then creating a release. The release page allows you to
upload files. They will appear on the release page and will be listed on
the downloads page.

Launchpad does not have wiki-like editing. Some field, like the project
description will convert the URLs to link. You can copy the file link
form the release page to the project description.

__Curtis C. Hovey_________

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