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Re: [Launchpad-users] New launchpadlib cookbook

On Monday 30 November 2009 15:54:32 Karl Fogel wrote:
> Algis Kabaila <akabaila@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
> >
> > Unfortunately every following "toggle the line numbers", toggles the
> > first two lines of code if the first listing only.
> >
> That "toggle line numbers" thing was confusing UI-wise anyway.  I just
> removed it, leaving simple preformatted blocks, and indented the code to
> set it off from the surrounding text.
> -Karl


Whatever you do with that page is ok AFAIAC. 

I run a desk version  of moinmoin wiki (v 1..7.3, which is not the latest, I 
think).  I tried two Python listings on one page. The line number switching 
works correctly on my moinmoin.  If you do use the "native" moinmoin format, 
rather than reST or some other, then line number malfunction seems to be a 
problem in configuration of the wiki.  Pity - switchable Python listing line 
numbers are an attractive feature of moinmoin:

1. One can copy (via clipboard) Python source (without line numbers)
2. or insert the numbers to simplify online discussion.

Thanks for informing us,


Algis Kabaila, MEngSc, PhD(Eng)

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