On Sat, Dec 5, 2009 at 11:26 AM, Charlie Poole <charlie@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: > Hi All, > > I recently decided to use the bug tracker for non-bugs for a few > of my projects. It would be cool if this were easier to do. > > I'm currently using 'feature' and 'task' tags and experimenting > with a convention that feature requests start with 'Feature:' > and tasks with "Task:'. The tag is good when doing a search, > but the naming convention gives better visibility in lists > of bugs. > > Are there any plans to support this sort of distinction directly > in the bug tracker? Does anyone have other tricks that would > work for me? > Not any immediate plans. It's something that's churning in our minds though. Here are some random thoughts about it: * bugs, as they stand, aren't quite enough to organize work * too granular for overviews * too many open bugs to feel a sense of achievement * defects mixed with enhancements increases difficulty of QA * a simple fact of organization is that the more categories one has, the greater the chance of misfiling * similarly, the greater the difficulty of learning the system People talk about these things quite a lot, and often the conversation goes in circles and ends with little action. I'd like to do something to change that, but today is not that day for me. In terms of tricks, you might want to consider using milestones to track features. I've never done it myself, but it might work. jml
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