Hi, First of all, thanks for your explanations. On 04/23/2010 12:50 PM, Jeroen Vermeulen wrote:
On 2010-04-23 02:31, Francesco Fumanti wrote:Am I correct when I think that the packages in main have their own separated translation effort? Moreover, is it possible for a person not being an Ubuntu translator to export them?Yes and no, respectively. Packages in main have their upstream translations imported (whether from a project inside Launchpad or somewhere else on the internet), and then translators working in Launchpad can complement them with their own. Any logged-in user can enter suggestions.
I have done that a few times...
Members of the translation team for the language review the suggestions, and will hopefully also help contribute changes made in Launchpad back to upstream. We've had to restrict the ability to download full translations for entire Ubuntu packages because of excessive load. Only admins, the Ubuntu drivers team, and the translation group owners can do that now. We're working on ways to make this automatic. For now however, the restricted privileges on export are a problem. What you can do, if there are not too many languages, is request each PO file separately.
Maybe that this has already been implemented as I am able to download the tarball with the translations of the onboard package shipping with Ubuntu. To do it, I am using the following link that Milo gave me in another reply of this thread: https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/onboard/+pots/onboard/+export Cheers Francesco
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