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[Merge] lp:~gary/lazr.yourpkg/trunk into lp:lazr.yourpkg


Gary Poster has proposed merging lp:~gary/lazr.yourpkg/trunk into lp:lazr.yourpkg.

Requested reviews:
    LAZR Developers (lazr-developers)

This branch makes a number of small-ish changes.

- silently ignore "lazr." prefix in prepare.py
- specify test_suite in the setup.py.  This makes `python setup.py test` work.
- use "eggtestinfo" as a setup requirement.  This is supposed to make the setup.py test work for binary eggs; I'm proceeding on some Zope "best practices" for that.
- I moved the tests directory to a tests.py file.  This makes the test_suite a bit easier, and matches the use cases for our current packages better.
Your team LAZR Developers is subscribed to branch lp:lazr.yourpkg.
=== modified file '.bzrignore'
--- .bzrignore	2009-03-03 16:11:30 +0000
+++ .bzrignore	2009-03-14 00:08:24 +0000
@@ -6,3 +6,6 @@

=== modified file 'prepare.py'
--- prepare.py	2009-01-22 03:02:47 +0000
+++ prepare.py	2009-03-14 00:06:48 +0000
@@ -130,12 +130,14 @@
 def main():
     parser, options, name = parse_arguments()
     # Do some basic sanity checking on the name.
+    if name.startswith('lazr.'):
+        name = name[5:]
     if name.count('.') > 0:
         parser.error('Name may not have dots in it')
     if options.dry_run:
+        # --dry-run implies at least one level of verbosity.
         options.verbosity = max(options.verbosity, 1)
     walk_and_replace('.', name, options)
-    # --dry-run implies at least one level of verbosity.
     if not options.keep:
         if options.verbosity > 0:
             print 'Removing prepare.py'

=== modified file 'setup.py'
--- setup.py	2009-01-10 01:00:49 +0000
+++ setup.py	2009-03-13 21:51:39 +0000
@@ -62,4 +62,6 @@
         "License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Library or Lesser General Public License (LGPL)",
         "Operating System :: OS Independent",
         "Programming Language :: Python"],
+    setup_requires=['eggtestinfo'],
+    test_suite='lazr.yourpkg.tests.test_suite',

=== removed directory 'src/lazr/yourpkg/tests'
=== renamed file 'src/lazr/yourpkg/tests/test_documentation.py' => 'src/lazr/yourpkg/tests.py'
--- src/lazr/yourpkg/tests/test_documentation.py	2009-03-03 16:14:37 +0000
+++ src/lazr/yourpkg/tests.py	2009-03-13 21:51:39 +0000
@@ -18,14 +18,15 @@
 def test_suite():
-    # This breaks the zip-safe flag.
-    docs_directory = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(__file__, '../../docs'))
-    doctest_files = ['../docs/%s' % filename
-                     for filename in os.listdir(docs_directory)
-                     if filename.endswith('.txt')]
-    kwargs = dict(
-        module_relative=True,
-        optionflags=doctest.NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE|doctest.ELLIPSIS)
+    package_directory = os.path.dirname(__file__)
+    docs_directory = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(package_directory, 'docs'))
+    if os.path.exists(docs_directory):
+        doctest_files = [os.path.join('docs', filename)
+                         for filename in os.listdir(docs_directory)
+                         if filename.endswith('.txt')]
+    else:
+        doctest_files = []
+    doctest_files.append('README.txt')
+    kwargs = dict(module_relative=True, optionflags=DOCTEST_FLAGS)
     return unittest.TestSuite((
         doctest.DocFileSuite(*doctest_files, **kwargs)))

=== removed file 'src/lazr/yourpkg/tests/__init__.py'

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