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Re: Menu in 13.04


Yes, that surprised me a bit, when installing Lubuntu for a friend. Sadly,
the default isn't choosen, "normal" and "particle beam" have the same
votes. Any advice to clear this point quickly? Julien is waiting for it.
The Flickr contest doesn't matter for this right now (it can last a few

Thank you for your trust! :) I must admit I'm not the best UI designer in
the world, but I pretend to be "within fashion" and look also what the
great masters do, at least.

紳癒礁湖 (Rafael Laguna)
Lubuntu Artwork Team

2013/2/14 Phill Whiteside <PhillW@xxxxxxxxxx>

> Rafael,
> I trust your judgement! It was just that I noticed the change and asked :)
> BTW, one other sharp-eyed person has pointed out that the desktop
> wallpaper is still the '2013 New Year' one. I assume this is correct as the
> contest for the final wall-paper is still ongoing.
> Regards,
> Phill.
> On 14 February 2013 20:07, 神癒礁湖 (Rafael Laguna) <rafaellaguna@xxxxxxxxx>wrote:
>> Phill, it's monochrome, as it goes in the fancy way that others are
>> following. We're not copying them (I'm thinking about Faenza, Everaldo, and
>> more great UI designers).
>> The aesthetic concept is uncluttering the UI as much as possible, that's
>> why main menu, navigation on file manager, sections on App store, dialog
>> warnings and questions, etc. but the programs icons themselves, are gray.
>> It provides a more homogeneous environment, while leaving the brand colours
>> of each program intact for easy recognizing (just adapted to the "boxed"
>> form).
>> It may be difficult to understand at the first sight. I can look "poor",
>> but use it for a while, and you'll notice full-coloured menuses a bit
>> disturbing. The new theme is being accepted, including this. I won't do
>> anything that could annoy the users.
>> Cheers!
>> --
>> 紳癒礁湖 (Rafael Laguna)
>> Lubuntu Artwork Team
>> 2013/2/14 Julien Lavergne <gilir@xxxxxxxxxx>
>>> 2013/2/13 Phill Whiteside <PhillW@xxxxxxxxxx>:
>>> > Hi Boss,
>>> >
>>> > @ Julien,
>>> >
>>> > is it a design or a bug?
>>> No, it's a design stuff. Feel free to discuss it with the artwork team.
>>> Regards,
>>> Julien Lavergne
> --
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/phillw

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