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Re: [LTS] I'm very confused


On 05/06/13 20:07, Julien Lavergne wrote:
2013/6/5 Yorvyk <yorvik.ubunto@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
An excellent explanation here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LTS
Especially this part : "The LTS designation applies only to specific
subsets of the Ubuntu archive. The LTS may not apply to all flavors
and remixes of Ubuntu. For example, for 8.04 LTS, Kubuntu chose to
move to KDE 4.0 and didn't issue an LTS release. In 10.04, the
Netbook Edition was not an LTS. The project will decide which flavors
will be LTS and the support duration for each, early in the LTS
development cycle. "

Not only you have to support it for 3 or 5 years, but you also have
to validate the decision to be LTS with the Tech Board. It means : -
Only official flavors can be call LTS - Even if you want it, you
still have to pass the Tech Board to decision to be a LTS. They may
refuse the proposal.

Just heard this on UUPC and thought it relevant, in a terminal type:


more info at http://www.ubuntu.com/releaseendoflife



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