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Message #01390
Re: juju's private-address, DNS, MAAS and postgresql
On 11/11/13 21:48, Andreas Hasenack wrote:
> ssh also fails when you use the CNAME in the "host=" parameter in
> authorized_keys:
> server:
> Nov 11 11:45:49 wfaxq sshd[2332]: Authentication tried for ubuntu with
> correct key but not from a permitted host (host=10-0-5-103.maaslocal,
> ip=
> Nov 11 11:45:49 wfaxq sshd[2332]: Connection closed by [preauth]
> /home/ubuntu/.ssh/authorized_keys:
> from="k8q9m.maaslocal" ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EA...
> root@wfaxq:~# host k8q9m.maaslocal
> k8q9m.maaslocal is an alias for 10-0-5-103.maaslocal.
> 10-0-5-103.maaslocal has address
> That's exactly what happened with postgresql.
Damn. OK, thanks for the analysis.
Gavin, I suspect we need to make our CNAMEs go away, or perhaps reverse
the current situation and make the maas name the A record and the
1-2-3-4 the CNAME. Whaddaya think?
Follow ups
juju's private-address, DNS, MAAS and postgresql
From: Andreas Hasenack, 2013-11-08
Re: juju's private-address, DNS, MAAS and postgresql
From: Andreas Hasenack, 2013-11-08
Re: juju's private-address, DNS, MAAS and postgresql
From: Gavin Panella, 2013-11-08
Re: juju's private-address, DNS, MAAS and postgresql
From: Andreas Hasenack, 2013-11-08
Re: juju's private-address, DNS, MAAS and postgresql
From: Gavin Panella, 2013-11-08
Re: juju's private-address, DNS, MAAS and postgresql
From: Julian Edwards, 2013-11-11
Re: juju's private-address, DNS, MAAS and postgresql
From: Andreas Hasenack, 2013-11-11
Re: juju's private-address, DNS, MAAS and postgresql
From: Andreas Hasenack, 2013-11-11