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Re: 答复: 答复: 答复: 答复: MDEV-520: consider parallel replication patch from taobao patches


丁奇 <dingqi.lxb@xxxxxxxxxx> writes:

>   It's great. I just test all the test-case again after modified as you
>   said, the result looks normal.

Ok, good!

>   What's your cmake parameter? I did not crah it in my envieronment, in fact
>   if it crashed, I should resolved it before sending it to you.

    cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug

In the debug build, additional instrumentation is added to the code which
catches some errors, as in this case.

I will continue and look deeper in the rpl_deadlock_innodb failure and in the
other issues.

>    I am now working in my local , base on the bzr : http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~maria-captains/maria/10.0-base/
>    Can you suggest a suitable place on launchpad? or a branch under ~maria-captains/maria/ ?

For now, I think we can just put it as personal branches, ie. you could push


and I can push to a branch of my own, and we can pull from each other if

 - Kristian.

Follow ups
