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Re: [Maria-developers] [All] MariaDB's best (download) month ever


(this thread was originaly from maria-developpers)

The mariadb.com/.org distinction is not really clear as both have a similar layout, designs and duplicate contents, plus distincting both sites from the sole TLD is not the most visible one ; i must admit that the first time i ended up on mariadb.com i thought at first that it was just the mariadb.org website that had a design update.

Plus, there is a link to "mariadb.org" on the top menu of mariadb.com, a link to "Community" or "MariaDB Foundation" or a clear title would be better.

Le 26/09/2013 10:39, Colin Charles a écrit :
On 25 Sep 2013, at 06:23, MARK CALLAGHAN <mdcallag@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Define "we", or even define "MariaDB"? I am confused. At this point mariadb.org looks like a collection of links to #2 and #3 below:
In the context of this email, "we" is Monty Program. Kristian and I both work there, long before we (MP) had to deal with the MariaDB Foundation and SkySQL.

1) mariadb.org / foundation
2) mariadb.com / skysql
3) askmonty.org

As to how we define MariaDB, I think this is worthy of a discussion. Bear with me for a moment. The tl;dr version of the following is such that mariadb.org has always been a collection of links to #2 and #3, with the only exception being #2 didn't exist before and was called montyprogram.com

Why do we have askmonty.org? Because when the company was announced as Monty Program, a domain squatter registered the domain. We could have paid the chap off, but we chose not to enrich a domain squatter, thus we began legal proceedings to get montyprogram.com. We finally got it, but at this point things like the downloads and the Knowledgebase were on askmonty.org. We had montyprogram.com which served to offer developer support, keep track of some news/press releases, but that was about it.

After a while, we decided we needed to have mariadb.org. Here we put the user stats collection, the explain analyzer, etc. Eventually downloads moved here. The knowledgebase still remained at askmonty.org. The blog moved from blog.montyprogram.com to blog.mariadb.org

With the merger of Monty Program with SkySQL, it seems that naturally montyprogram.com would have to be retired. Askmonty.org also got retired.

But for reasons beyond me (one might presume this has something to do with a branding strategy), there is now a new website called MariaDB.com (which as you allude to above, is SkySQL-owned).

So, mariadb.org is the foundation's website. mariadb.com belongs to skysql. Now, let's see what has changed from now, compared to a year ago?
* the Knowledgebase seems to have a new URL - kb.askmonty.org is now https://mariadb.com/kb/en/

What hasn't changed? The downloads. The blog.

In fact, mariadb.org hasn't changed much at all. It still has links pointing to askmonty.org and montyprogram.com. As I do not represent the Foundation, it is clear this is something that has to be brought up to the attention of Simon Phipps, as CEO of the Foundation (https://mariadb.org/en/foundation/).

So the net conclusion?
- We've lost montyprogram.com and askmonty.org (this is good!)
- We've gained mariadb.com (with a potentially confusing offering that has a vague description)
- The knowledgebase from askmonty.org (the only thing that remained there, besides the old worklog tool and wiki) has moved to mariadb.com
- We clearly need to improve the content on mariadb.org
- We need to get rid of/merge content of worklog: http://worklog.askmonty.org/worklog/

Does this help answer your questions? Also, I'm not sure if these discussions are meant to be on maria-developers, instead of maria-discuss


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