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Re: Replication variables in my.cnf seem ignored if master connection does not exist


Yeah, it seems RESET SLAVE ALL deletes replicate_* options,
so I ended with this:

-- reset slave
SET default_master_connection = "foo";
SET GLOBAL replicate_wild_do_table = "foo.%";
SET GLOBAL replicate_ignore_table = "foo.schema_updates";
-- import dump with --master-data=1
-- start slave;

2015-12-14 15:59 GMT+03:00 Игорь Пашев <pashev.igor@xxxxxxxxx>:
> MariaDB 10.0.22
> I saw weird things a couple of times:
> I start clean MariaDB with theses options in the configuration file:
> foo.replicate_wild_do_table = foo_live.%
> foo.replicate_ignore_table = foo_live.schema_updates
> Then I execute RESET SLAVE "foo" ALL just to be sure there is no such
> connection.
> Then I import the dump of master, and set master options like host,
> user, password, etc.
> Then I execute START SLAVE "foo"
> Then SHOW SLAVE "foo" reveals empty 'Replicate_Wild_Do_Table' and
> 'Replicate_Ignore_Table'.
> (And replication shortly breaks, because foo_live.schema_updates
> wasn't imported).
