Hi, ihave a system running perfectly on mariadb 5.5.52, i will change
everything to a new server with mariadb 10.1.22, but running the
installation script gives me problems, this is the error, is there any
way to configure mariadb 10.1.22 To omit this error, since mariadb
10.1.22 works with strict-trans-table, there is some old_mode feature
that allows this.
Query : ALTER TABLE `media_gallery_music_elements` ADD FOREIGN
KEY `FK_GALLERY_ID` (`gallery_id`) REFERENCES `media_gallery_musi...
Error Code : 1005
Can't create table `test`.`#sql-c82_1086` (errno: 121 "Duplicate key on
write or update")
Execution Time : 00:00:00:000
Transfer Time : 00:00:00:000
Total Time : 00:00:00:000
I can manually modify and fix the error, but it is a system with many
scripts and updates, is there any way to omit this error in Mariadb 10.1.22