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Re: Server system variables which description I haven't found


Two of them are options, not system variables, so would be documented at https://mariadb.com/kb/en/library/mysqld-options/ (although only one is, and not very well - will open a documentation task on JIRA)

https://mariadb.com/kb/en/library/full-list-of-mariadb-options-system-and-status-variables/ is often a more useful reference, as it lists all options, system variables, status variables in one place.

On 2019/02/27 15:07, Michal Schorm wrote:
Hello everybody,

In the article about "Enabling Core Dumps" [1] there is an example,
how to properly configure the server for such cases:

However, the page listing server system variables [2] does not
describe two of them ("stack-trace", "disable-gdb") and I would like
to know what those options do. In which cases I should use each one or
some combination. Or, since I haven't found their meaning, if there
aren't long obsoleted. or if the are only applicable to specific
MariaDB versions.
Or / and I'm just seeking help on where to find simmilar variables not
listed on the page [2].

[1] https://mariadb.com/kb/en/library/enabling-core-dumps/
[2] https://mariadb.com/kb/en/library/server-system-variables/

