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New-line appended in subscribing client.


The message as reported by the mosquitto_sub has a 0x0a appended to its
end; regardless of whether the publication was retained or otherwise. Is
this a known behavior ?

Note the size of the file subMessage is greater by 1 byte as compared with
the file pubMessage. Also, I have the same observation with the broker at
m2m.eclipse.org. On the subscriber side, Wireshark seems to show the exact
string that was published.

user@host:~$ mosquitto_pub -h test.mosquitto.org -r -t a/b/c -f pubMessage
user@host:~$ ls -la *Message
-rw-rw-r-- 1 nsubrahm nsubrahm 5 Jul  7 08:50 pubMessage
-rw-rw-r-- 1 nsubrahm nsubrahm 6 Jul  7 08:52 subMessage

The subscription is done in another window after the publisher has
published the message.

mosquitto_sub -h test.mosquitto.org -t a/b/c > subMessage
