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Re: [Ayatana] Papercut or not? Bug #495403 in One Hundred Paper Cuts: “Do not raise windows or dialogs without user input”

> I'm not sure if I agree with this one. I dedicate some workspaces to
> a single fullscreen app (ex: firefox), and I never bother to peek at
> the taskbar of those workspaces because nothing else is supposed to
> be there. The suggestion above would make alert windows appear
> behind firefox and stay there for a long time before me noticing.

Great! If you're busy using Firefox you don't want to be distracted.

Once your attention leaves Firefox, you'll find this new window and
you can act upon it. If it was anything urgent, you'd have a red
indicator in the panel.

Note: alert windows that the focused application opens would have
focus thrown to them as they're opened. So they could still appear at
the front and focused. (Preferences dialogues are a good example.)

> That's the main reason I dislike the current behavior of the update
> manager window. :)

Because you want to be distracted by shiny updates? :)