On Thu, Jul 8, 2010 at 01:01, Martin Owens
<doctormo@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On Wed, 2010-07-07 at 15:54 -0500, Apoorva Sharma wrote:
> I don't propose that we should completely ditch windicators, but I
> guess you could say that I propose that windows show statuses related
> to them in the titlebar, alongside the panel menu notifications.
> I think having windicators is a good idea, but they should be
> standardized, not used unnecessarily and inconsistently.
Windicators could be useful and consistent, but I guess it'll take a
long time for the functionality to settle down and I'm willing to wait 3
years to see what happens and where they go.
I want a complaints windicator that offers a single text box to type in
a one line complaint/problem and which creates a list of outstanding
complaints. These one lines are arrogated on a server somewhere and
probably has some code to look through for patterns in complaints.
Project people could then use the data as a much less structured source
of usability and functionality testing data.