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Re: [Ayatana] Restart Required
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Scott Kitterman wrote on 03/08/10 19:23:
> "Frederik Nnaji" <frederik.nnaji@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> On Tue, Aug 3, 2010 at 19:21, Scott Kitterman <ubuntu@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>>> "Frederik Nnaji" <frederik.nnaji@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>> On Tue, Aug 3, 2010 at 17:37, Florian Bruhin <me@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>>>>> 2010/8/2 Frederik Nnaji <frederik.nnaji@xxxxxxxxx>:
>>>>>> *Does* Ubuntu warn the user beforehand that the updates about to
>>>>>> be made will eventually require a restart? I can't recall..
In the update handling specification, I've specified that it should.
<https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareUpdateHandling#alert> (For the
implementation, see
I don't know how far that ever went.)
>>> With the exception of Firefox updates, the old version works fine
>>> until restart. What you don't get is the benefit of the update.
>>> Firefox will stop working if not restarted (and warns about this).
>> so then red is the wrong color
> Depends on what fix isn't in place. Leaving a remote root exploit in
> place seems pretty red to me.
But you're no less secure, at that moment, than you were when Ubuntu
knew the update was available but you hadn't installed it yet. Should
the icon be red then too? And if not, why should it be red now?
- --
Matthew Paul Thomas
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