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Re: [Ayatana] Ubuntu Font as default for web site
On Thu, Feb 10, 2011 at 21:47, cyrildz <cyrildz@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hello Paul,
> Le jeudi 10 février 2011 à 20:35 +0000, Paul Sladen a écrit :
>> Is your suggestion that we go beyond this, and set "Ubuntu" as the
>> default browser font in Firefox, Chromium, Konqueror, ...?
> Yes , this is what I mean,
> me too I use it in Firefox (all site render with the Ubuntu Font) and
> now I can't imagine the web without the Ubuntu Font.
> I read something like it is possible to do from the Ubuntu setting , not
> the browser settings.
This may not be a good idea from a compatibility point of view. Many
websites expect sans-serif to mean Arial, serif to mean Times New
Roman and monospace Courier New. They expect sentences they write to
be in that font, which has a particular size. If we change an Arial
sentence to Ubuntu, it will not be the same size and on some pages
that will not fit anymore.
Now, we don't have Arial, Times New Roman, or Courier New, since they
are not open source. But Red Hat did contribute the Liberation set of
fonts, which are completely different fonts, except that the letters
are exactly the same size as Arial, Times and Courier. Using these
will ensure that web pages don't break.