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Re: [Ayatana] Global menu in Oneiric Ocelot (11.10)
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Jeremy Nickurak wrote on 14/06/11 19:33:
> On Tue, Jun 14, 2011 at 09:27, Matthew Paul Thomas <mpt@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> That isn't correct. I specified how it could work with focus follows
>> mouse in May 2010, months before Natty even had a name.
>> <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MenuBar#focus-follows-mouse>
> Except that's missing design work too. There's no concept of the
> "active" window anywhere. There's no visual cue of what the "active"
> window is. Until that article, the concept didn't exist.
Defining things that didn't previously exist is part of the point of a
feature specification. :-)
> It's
> inconsistent, because the window that you might be working with is no
> longer the window that "has" the global menu. Imagine that you have 2
> windows that don't overlap, and you've focused one by mouse-over.
> There's now *zero* indication that the global menu isn't related to the
> focused window. Select a destructive action like File:Revert or Delete
> is now a very scary and unpredictable concept.
Yes, that would be the price of wanting to use focus-follows-mouse in an
environment that has a global menu bar: you would have to remember which
is the active window for yourself. If you don't want to do that, don't
use it.
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