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Re: [Ayatana] Dash search vs Alt+F2 in 11.10

Den 28. sep. 2011 13:48, skrev Eylem Koca:
It may sound off-topic, but it's related I think: Up until Beta 2 was
released, I had this "bug" (I don't know if it's fixed, as I had to do
  a clean install on my laptop and didn't have time to install Beta 2
yet). When I installed Gnome-Shell (yes, blasphemer) Alt-F2 did NOT
work there at all. Somehow, I think Alt-F2 is too strongly tied to
Unity and it just did not work with Gnome-Shell on Ubuntu 11.10 Beta 1
(it's possible that it would not work on any other DE but Unity).
Is Canonical's position that Gnome-Shell is not supported, or should
the dev's make effort to have this functionality (and others,
possibly, but that would be really off-topic to discuss here) work
with Gnome-Shell (and other DE's a user might install) as well? I
think it all comes to how Alt-F2 is implemented and therefore it is
on-topic ;)

Unity is not a DE. It is a shell and yes, these types of things are shell specific. Gnome has always used Alt+F2 for this, so it comes as a surprise to me that they've removed it in Gnome Shell. I don't think neither Xfce or LXDE uses this. That's fine. They don't use super for menus either, as far as I'm aware. It has nothing to do with Gnome Shell being supported or not. They're just different.

Jo-Erlend Schinstad