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Announcing the Novacut 12.01 components


Apologies that this is late. The release went out on time, but between
the GStreamer
1.0 Hackfest <http://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/wiki/GStreamerHackfest2012>and
Connect <http://connect.linaro.org/>, I haven't had time to write the
release notes. I'll keep this brief as we're only about a week away from
the 12.02 release now.
What's new

In Novacut proper, we reverted to the Python2 based renderer and now have
it running as a DBus service (so we can render in the background even if
the Novacut UI isn't open). We've been abusing the renderer with randomly
generated test edits <http://vimeo.com/36176381>, and it's been quite
reliable thus far. We didn't get our first cutting workflow all tied
together for 12.01, but it should land in time 12.02.

We've also been doing a lot of UI prototyping, including this new type
of storyboard
view <https://plus.google.com/114471118004229223857/posts/iTV8TuFVo9F>:

Special thanks

   - Thanks to Barry Warsaw <http://www.wefearchange.org/> for porting
   dbus-python to
   - Thanks to David
   James Raymond
<https://plus.google.com/100070870253962033333/posts>, and Tara
   Oldfield <https://plus.google.com/117647229006247247428/posts> for all
   their hard work filming at Linaro
   - Thanks to Amber
Graner<https://plus.google.com/107415582881714707533/posts>for doing
so many great interviews, and for letting us film them!

Get the bits

Packages are available in the Novacut Stable Releases
Ubuntu Oneiric and Precise. And you can download the source code from
each component's Launchpad project page. Whoa, *seven* components and

   - novacut <https://launchpad.net/novacut>
   - dmedia <https://launchpad.net/dmedia>
   - filestore <https://launchpad.net/filestore>
   - microfiber <https://launchpad.net/microfiber>
   - userwebkit <https://launchpad.net/userwebkit>
   - usercouch <https://launchpad.net/usercouch>
   - dc3 <https://launchpad.net/dc3>

Contribute to 12.02 and beyond!

We always release on the last Thursday of the month. The 12.02 components
will be released on Thursday February 23, 2012, and development is already
underway. To see what's in store for the next releases, checkout the 12.02

   - novacut 12.02 <https://launchpad.net/novacut/+milestone/12.02>
   - dmedia 12.02 <https://launchpad.net/dmedia/+milestone/12.02>
   - userwebkit 12.02 <https://launchpad.net/userwebkit/+milestone/12.02>

That's all, folks!

Thanks to everyone who is helping make this dream a reality!

Jason Gerard DeRose <https://plus.google.com/114471118004229223857/posts>