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Re: greetings from a new member


All, I posted this to Simone but meant to send it to the list so here it is again...

Lesson learned... we have to click reply all in order for a reply to go to the entire list, otherwise, clicking reply only goes to the original poster.

Hi Simone, 

Nice to meet you!

We share the same interest, that is, usability in the UI of NUnit.

I want to program some accessibility features in there. For example, when a build fails, play a wav file that indicates failure. That could be a checkbox in the options dialog... I am thinking about maybe having an "accessibility options" tab in the options dialog.

Another accomidation would be in the test suite treeview... the graphics of red/green/yellow next to each branch do not work for blind programmers so having a textual representation in each tree branch to indicate success/failure would be perfect. 

For example, a * means failure, where as a   % means pass.

This too could be a checkbox in the accessibility options tab in the options dialog that if checked, the branch.Text += " *"; and so on. If off, the text is just shown as normal.

oh btw since you program in the automotive industry in Italy, you must own several Lamborghini, right? *grin*.

Over here in the United States, a programmers salary is lucky to afford us a Honda!


----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Simone Busoli 
  To: Justin Daubenmire 
  Cc: nunit-dev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
  Sent: Friday, July 10, 2009 4:32 PM
  Subject: Re: [Nunit-dev] greetings from a new member

  Hi Justin,

  glad to see you on board.

  Not that there's much to say about me, I'm a developer from Italy into the automotive field. I'm into NUnit and been trying to improve it from the user viewpoint because I test a lot and I like it to be as user-friendly as possible.

  On Fri, Jul 10, 2009 at 22:18, Justin Daubenmire <jdaubenmire@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

    Hi everyone,

    I'm new to the NUnit development team and just wanted to send out a quick post to introduce myself.

    My name is Justin and I live in the United States. I am 37 years old. I have been programming professionally for 8 years using Microsoft technologies. You can read over some of my skills on linkedin:


    Charlie had asked me to consider joining the team since I am a blind computer programmer and can help with increasing the accessibility of NUnit for blind or visually impaired programmers. 

    I use screen reading software called Jaws to program and use the computer. If interested, you can read up on it at www.freedomscientific.com.

    I'm looking forward to helping out in any way I can on the NUnit project.

    I primarily program API libraries at my job using C#.NET and none other than NUnit!

    I also test the UI of our products for usability and accessibility compliance.

    So, where are others from on the team and what do you guys do for work?


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