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Re: Simple things we need from Tiny for better bug planning/management


I totally agree with your exposition, Niels :-). But wouldn't it be nice IF community AND Tiny could work in same branch? That would be a win-win situation. Both parties don't have to backport to each version.

From that point of view I asked my previous question: " Has someone asked Tiny already to let the community commit their fixes into the so called "stable" which is actually un-stable?" If we have no answer to this question, it would be the first step to get one, before any other step we want to take.


Niels Huylebroeck schreef:
Consequences of walking away from the stable branch is something the community does not have to worry about, it'll be Tiny who have to worry to keep up with the fast influx of bugfixes. If we deliver Tiny our community stabilized version they should have little objection to integrating the fixes into their own "stable" version right ?

Lets go a bit theoretical, which you think is faster and easier to do:

Tiny assignes 5 developers to constantly backport our bugfix releases into their own branch


Community imports any changes Tiny did to their Stable to our own bugfix version

So yes, Tiny will make changes, but as soon as someone says, hey they did that really well and I would like to integrate that into our bugfix release, it would be in the bugfix release as well from that point. Whereas Tiny would have to pick features to backport as they have limited manpower/time.

The only way Tiny could really make our lifes difficult is when they do what they did with version 5.0, long behind-doors development. But who is walking away from who then ? And is doing this behind-doors development a good approach for an open-source minded company ?

Niels 'Red15' Huylebroeck

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