I have no objections, the (python) force seems fairly strong in this
one. ;-)
Syleam has indeed built a reputation of solid programming ethics and skills.
As for the adding of members I'm not against keeping the community
reviewer group
closed but would rather propose an more 'pythonic' approach:
Asking forgiveness is easier than asking permission.
By that I mean that we should be more welcoming to members who want to
join but
revoke membership should it be abused. The joining itself would of
course have to be
accompanied by an explanation of the rules and expectations.
2013/9/13 Stefan <stefan@xxxxxxxx <mailto:stefan@xxxxxxxx>>
I was happy to see a lot of activity from Christophe Chauvet in this
week's sudden outburst of reviews. AFAIK Christophe is one of the
pioneers generation in the OpenERP community, going further back
than me so when he asked for membership of team 'ocb' this week, I
suggested I would propose his membership of the reviewers team instead.
So my question to you is if you support his membership of the team.
Here is the current state of affairs:
Therp - Maatwerk in open ontwikkeling
Stefan Rijnhart - Ontwerp en implementatie
mail: stefan@xxxxxxxx <mailto:stefan@xxxxxxxx>
tel: +31 (0) 614478606 <tel:%2B31%20%280%29%20614478606>
web: http://therp.nl
Niels Huylebroeck
Lead Architect -- Agaplan
Tel. : +32 (0) 93 95 98 90
Web : http://www.agaplan.eu