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Re: lp:~camptocamp/multi-company/port-add-product-multi-company-7.0-jge into lp:multi-company


Hi, Joel, thank you very much for the module. Indeed, it seems to be quite interesting, but I see here two concepts put together in the same module:

- On one hand, you have prices historization, what is a very good feature, but nothing to do with multi-company. Besides, this feature can be also interesting for single-company.
- On the other hand, multi-company feature of this module is about prices, but not products in general, so I would rename the module to product_price_multi_company or even better, expand the features to allow a product to be visible/selectable by companies with a one2many to select allowed companies, and let the name product_multi_company.

I know that I'm asking too much, but if you want, we can work together to make these changes and get two very useful modules.

Your team Multi Company Core Editors is subscribed to branch lp:multi-company.
