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Re: proposal to discuss forking of OpenERP GTK client


On 10/11/2012 10:36 AM, Niels Huylebroeck wrote:
> Printing the current workflow state of an object, proper handling of pdf files
> (webclient still messes up mimetype which makes chrome not recognize it as pdf).

Printing the current workflow state works in 7.0 (via debug menu).
This is a technical tool, and if you're looking for technical/dev tools, you
really want to check out the debug menu of the web, it's got a lot of other
great stuff.

Also, never heard of mimetype being messed up, we're talking of the 6.1/7.0 web
client, right? Please post a bug report if you can reproduce, this sounds like
a trivial thing.

>       - the web client has shortcuts (in v7.0)
> Not even sure what you mean here ?

That was a 7-line patch.

There are also multiple community patches for adding embedded tabs in the web
client (6.1 or 7.0) and that never takes more than a couple of lines, e.g
As we said, we'll be glad to add a proper web_tabs module in the official

>       - the v7.0 web client is so good that nobody will want to use GTK
>         anymore
> Ask anyone who has to enter a bank statement if they prefer web or gtk, good
> luck with that !

Perhaps if half of the time spent complaining about GTK support was spent on
testing the web client, reporting bugs on what is not good enough yet, and even
proposing patches (like several contributors did already), the few remaining
shortcomings would be long gone...

As Stefan said, why not use this energy for improving the web, rather than keep
the GTK on life support?

> I understand the modularity is a big plus but let's be honest these could quite
> easily be made as plugins
> for the client if the plugin system would be more robust and developed. You
> could even stream the required plugins
> from the server to the gtk client and "patch" your gtk client depending where
> you login.

Have you actually taken the time to dive into the code of the web client, and
compare it with the GTK code? This is a key point.

You might also want to make a checklist of the features that are already
supported in the web client and not in GTK...  and not just kanban, gantt, or
POS, but the upcoming 7.0 features, such as pad integration, WYSIWYG widgets,
reconcile view, monetary field widgets, and all the community modules.
The few things that are claimed to be missing from the GTK features are likely
trivial to add to the web, while developing all these missing features in GTK
would be a huge effort.

I would actually be glad to see someone step up to maintain the GTK client, but
whoever is thinking about it should be sure to do their homework first: have a
look at both the GTK and web client source code, then check out existing web
modules (official addons and community ones), and do the maths: how much effort
would be required to have the GTK fulfill your needs, vs proposing patches to
the web client to add the things you're missing?

> If we have one solid specification it would be save a lot of time and prevent a
> lot of bugs
> and we could actually start writing tests that would emulate client behaviour
> and thus
> provide more code coverage.

BTW the web now has support for writing real client tests based on PhantomJS,
so it will be easy to start extending the coverage to the UI. This could be a
starting point for a "client API spec".
