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Re: v61 Tasks Work employee product is units?


Hi Mario;

Thanks Mario for thinking about my problem! I had thought about using sales
orders, but; the requirements seem more like projects to me.

Client companies are purchasing blocks of these classes for specific
employees, and; most of these classes are one-on-one instructor and
client-employee. We want to make certain that the instructors are meeting
the classes per week commitments for all their client-employees. That seems
a bit more like projects, than orders. Though there are date commitments

Does it seem like I've gotten off on the wrong track?

On Thu, Dec 27, 2012 at 8:13 AM, Mario Arias <the.clone.master@xxxxxxxxx>wrote:

> Hi Dale,
> Can't you get this done by simple invoices or sale orders?
> You create your products (Yoga beginners class, Kegel advanced class, ...)
> and as uom for each product you use one based on time... Yoga class -> 30
> min,   Kegel -> 15 min
> Then your users can create orders in units (two Yoga classes, one Kegel
> class, ...)
> From there, you can get anything you like, as total time invoiced per
> user, or total number of units of Yoga Classes provided, ... with at most
> just small changes to a couple reports...
> Regards,
> -Mario
> On Thu, Dec 27, 2012 at 6:40 AM, Dale E. Moore <daleemoore@xxxxxxxxx>wrote:
>> Hi Jeff;
>> I like your clarity!
>> A group of my users don't think in time, they think in units. They think
>> of 1 Class instead of X minutes. They would re-write your project module
>> specification something like this:
>> The key point in the project module is to "record work activity".  So the
>> main reasons to use this module are to record work activity for :
>>    1- employee or consultant payroll
>>    2- customer billing
>>    3- progress, or utilization monitoring
>> If you need to record work activity, the project module is the best
>> solution for your needs.
>> I'm thinking a new view that would no longer show the Time Spent field,
>> but; instead show a Units Spent field. And since an employee can work on
>> several different products, a selector to pick the applicable product. So
>> they would enter:
>>    1. Work Summary
>>    2. Product (Yoga beginners class, Kegel advanced class, ...)
>>    3. Units Spent (1 Class, 2 Classes)
>>    4. Done By
>>    5. Date
>> And the program would retain the entered fields, but; also calculate
>> time_spent = units_spent * known_time_per_product. I think that
>> known_time_per_product would have to exist with the product.
>> Payroll time is satisfied. A new billing format will be needed for these
>> types of projects that would show Units Spent instead of Time Spent. We
>> don't require changes to progress, or utilization monitoring because those
>> few people are used to thinking in minutes.
>> I appreciate your time and attention to my problem! Are there other
>> issues that occur to you where I should be cautious?
>> I hope this note finds you and finds you well,
>> DaleEMoore@xxxxxxxxx
>> On Thu, Dec 27, 2012 at 12:13 AM, jeff.wang <jeff@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> Hi Dale,
>>>    The key point in openerp project module is "record time spend".  So
>>> the main reason to use this module should be(In My Personal Opinion):
>>>    1- you need record the work time of your employee to pay for their
>>> real work time
>>>    2- you need record the time your customer consumed to bill them for
>>> your real work time
>>>    3- you need record the work time of your employee to know the progess
>>> of a project or spec task, or utilization for spec employee
>>>    So, if you refuse to record task time, project module should not be
>>> the best solution for your needs.
>>> ------------------
>>> Jeff Wang |  jeff@xxxxxxxxx | 18016291663 | 02158980787
>>> @OpenERP_Jeff "As simple as possible, As complex as needed"
>>>   <http://www.osbzr.com>
>>>  Maintainer of Open ERP china community
>>>  http://www.openerp-china.org
>>> ------------------ Original ------------------
>>> *From: * "Dale E. Moore"<daleemoore@xxxxxxxxx>;
>>> *Date: * Thu, Dec 27, 2012 11:45 AM
>>> *To: * "Eric Caudal"<eric.caudal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; **
>>> *Cc: * "openerp-community"<openerp-community@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; **
>>> *Subject: * Re: [Openerp-community] v61 Tasks Work employee product is
>>> units?
>>> I can't be certain it'll be 1/4 an hour units. A product unit duration
>>> might be anything, I'll have to keep the conversion formula for X minutes =
>>> 1 unit somewhere.
>>> Does it seem unreasonable to you for me to inherit the task work entry
>>> view, enter the unit into a new field, calculate the Time Spent and save
>>> the unit field along with the old fields populated with my calculated
>>> results?
>>> Does this seem completely unreasonable?
>>> On Wed, Dec 26, 2012 at 8:40 PM, Eric Caudal <eric.caudal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>> > wrote:
>>>>  Maybe you should create a "quarter of hour" or use the decimal
>>>> accuracy in UoM to 0,25.
>>>>  Eric Caudal*CEO*
>>>> --*Elico Corporation, Shanghai branchOpenERP Premium Certified Training Partner *
>>>> Cell: + 86 186 2136 1670
>>>> Office: + 86 21 6211 8017/27/37
>>>> Skype: elico.corperic.caudal@elico-corp.comhttp://www.elico-corp.com
>>>>  On 12/27/2012 09:50 AM, Dale E. Moore wrote:
>>>> Thanks Eric, I appreciate your insight!
>>>>  The user wants to enter 1 Yoga Class which everyone involved knows is
>>>> 30 minutes. Or 1 Kegel exercise class which is 15 minutes.
>>>>  I'd mentioned earlier
>>>>  Maybe I could inherit the Task Work data entry form and let the user
>>>>> enter 1 or 2 or 3 pieces worked on, then; convert this information to
>>>>> the Time Spent required by Task Work. But, I'll have to figure out what a
>>>>> single piece means to me time-wise. Like a single 30 minute Yoga class
>>>>> would be entered as 1 Class but would become 0:30 Time Spent or 2
>>>>> classes would become 1 hour worked (and billed.)
>>>>  so my project entry would be what the user wants but the retained
>>>> project data would be what the system needs.
>>>>  Am I crazy?
>>>> DaleEMoore@xxxxxxxxx
>>>> On Wed, Dec 26, 2012 at 7:39 PM, Eric Caudal <
>>>> eric.caudal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>  The UoM is defined in the product used in the relevant user.
>>>>> You cannot convert PCE to hours if they are not in the same UoM
>>>>> category.
>>>>> But you can say 1 day = 8 h in same category: OpenERP will take care
>>>>> of the conversion.
>>>>> Eric Caudal*CEO*
>>>>> --*Elico Corporation, Shanghai branchOpenERP Premium Certified Training Partner *
>>>>> Cell: + 86 186 2136 1670
>>>>> Office: + 86 21 6211 8017/27/37
>>>>> Skype: elico.corperic.caudal@elico-corp.comhttp://www.elico-corp.com
>>>>>   On 12/27/2012 09:32 AM, Dale E. Moore wrote:
>>>>> I'm sorry Cristian; I've tried several times to understand your two
>>>>> questions and I'm pretty sure I don't understand what you are asking.
>>>>> You said "Hello, so if its dont configured the worktime in project,
>>>>> hour is the UoM by default ?" I think you were asking "Is Work Task entry
>>>>> default UoM Hour?" I believe the answer is yes, especially since the
>>>>> relevant field is "Time Spent."
>>>>>  You said "And is used to compute the task and project progress ?" I
>>>>> think you were asking "Is 'Time Spent' used to compute task and project
>>>>> progress?" I believe the answer to that is yes, because; task and project
>>>>> progress seem to increase by 'Time Spent' amounts.
>>>>>  Please let me know if I've misunderstood your questions!
>>>>>  You raise a relevant point; how would the current Project entry work
>>>>> by only partially shifting to PCE, Piece or Unit entry. Shouldn't I also
>>>>> compute task and project progress? I think you are right, thanks for the
>>>>> insight! I should look through the entire Project to see how Piece instead
>>>>> of Time would be calculated.
>>>>>  And this raises another question. Where do I retain the calculation
>>>>> 1 Piece = XYZ hours? This sounds more like a manufacturing effect than
>>>>> project management.
>>>>>  I appreciate y'alls insights!
>>>>> DaleEMoore@xxxxxxxxx
>>>>> On Wed, Dec 26, 2012 at 9:26 AM, Ovnicraft <ovnicraft@xxxxxxxxx>wrote:
>>>>>>  On Wed, Dec 26, 2012 at 1:33 AM, jeff.wang <jeff@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Dale,
>>>>>>>  Hour is UOM of time, you need use a time UOM for a task, eg, day
>>>>>>> or week or month or maybe year.
>>>>>>  Hello, so if its dont configured the worktime in project, hour is
>>>>>> the UoM by default ?
>>>>>> And is used to compute the task and project progress ?
>>>>>>  Regards,
>>>>>>>  PCE is piece, do you want a piece of task ? never.
>>>>>>>  so try to input day or hour in the UOM for your product. good luck
>>>>>>> !
>>>>>>>  ------------------
>>>>>>>  Jeff Wang | jeff@xxxxxxxxx | 18016291663 | 02158980787
>>>>>>> @OpenERP_Jeff "As simple as possible, As complex as needed"
>>>>>>>   <http://www.osbzr.com>
>>>>>>>  Maintainer of Open ERP china community
>>>>>>>  http://www.openerp-china.org
>>>>>>>  ------------------ Original ------------------
>>>>>>>  *From: * "Dale E. Moore"<daleemoore@xxxxxxxxx>;
>>>>>>> *Date: * Wed, Dec 26, 2012 10:35 AM
>>>>>>> *To: * "openerp-community"<openerp-community@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>;
>>>>>>> *Subject: * [Openerp-community] v61 Tasks Work employee product is
>>>>>>> units?
>>>>>>>  When I enter the Time Spent for a Task Work and the Analytic
>>>>>>> User/Product Rel. is a UoM other than time, like PCE, I get
>>>>>>> "Conversion from Product UoM Hour to Default UoM PCE is not possible
>>>>>>> as they both belong to different Category!."
>>>>>>> Have I missed configuring my installation to allow PCE UoM entry for
>>>>>>> Task Work, or is that something that's not allowed?
>>>>>>> I look forward to hearing from you,
>>>>>>> DaleEMoore@xxxxxxxxx
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