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Re: Seeking clarification on reconciliation functionality in 7.0


On 01/21/2013 10:40 AM, Colin Mollenhour wrote:
We are perfectly willing to contribute to OSS, but when we're on such a
crunched timeline to migrate we can't spend months implementing missing
features and if we move to a different platform then there is no reason
for us to contribute to one we aren't using.
If the discussion can come to a consensus on the proper solution for 
this problem, there might be people coming out of the woodwork to 
implement this. NPG had something for 6.0 [1], but since it wasn't ever 
updated or adopted upstream, it seems abandoned.
As the discussion stands now, I'm not even really sure there's 
acknowledgement that this is a problem that needs fixing, and much less 
that there's any consensus on how it should be fixed. That makes it 
unlikely anyone will step forward with a solution, knowing that their 
time may be wasted in doing so.

Follow ups
