openerp-community team mailing list archive
openerp-community team
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Message #02176
Re: OpenERP: Partners Collaboration Model
I agree with Oladipos opinion but it may takes quite administrative time.
Actually if we offer our existing modules on a marketplace and OpenERP gets
a maintain-fee it would be a good and fair solution.
I am quite sure that a couple of the solutions on Apps are not in their
final version - also because it takes time to transform it into a
broad-usable general version (I am started to work on this too for my own
modules). If we can earn money on offered modules the quality and usability
will be increased to.
Nevertheless I think if another partner offers something and I am interested
in this it should be possible to make a special agreement or using the
current process.
Kind regards,
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: partners-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:partners-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] Im
Auftrag von Oladipo Kabir Jagun
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 06. Februar 2013 09:48
An: Arun Venkat; partners-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx; Luc De Meyer; 'Bertrand
Hanot'; 'Nabil Majoul'; 'Serpent Consulting Services'
Cc: openerp-community@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; OpenERP Partner List
Betreff: Re: OpenERP: [Openerp-community] Partners Collaboration Model
We can actually do both! Partners will collaborate ( Bertrand’s view.) and
customers purchase apps from OpenERP marketplace!
That way percentage can be shared by co developers and percentage for
OpenERP for hosting the marketplace all win win! What say you all?
Best regards
Oladipo Kabir Jagun
StrataIP Integrated Solutions Limited Nigeria
-----Original Message-----
From: Arun Venkat <arun.venkat@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sender: partners-bounces@openerp.comDate: Tue, 5 Feb 2013 08:38:09
To: Luc De Meyer<luc.demeyer@xxxxxxxxx>; 'Bertrand
Hanot'<bertrand.hanot@xxxxxx>; 'Nabil
Majoul'<nabil.majoul@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; 'Serpent Consulting
; Partners@xxxxxxxxxxx<Partners@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: OpenERP: [Openerp-community] Partners Collaboration Model
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