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Message #02547
Re: Fwd: Storno accounting branch
Storno setup at company level is good idea.
That can control default setup/visibility at journal level.
Thanks Eric.
Goran Kliska
*Slobodni programi d.o.o.*
*Gorjanska 23, Zagreb*
*tel. +385 (1) 3095 113*
*fax. +385 (1) 3095 148 *
*mob. +385 91 2722 676*
2013/4/8 Eric Caudal <eric.caudal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Storno setup should be at company and journal level. Regarding SQL
> constraint removal, I am not sure about the impact but they will need to be
> replaced in the code since storno and non-storno companies could be
> coexisting in the same database.
> Eric Caudal*CEO*
> --*Elico Corporation, Shanghai branchOpenERP Premium Certified Training Partner *
> Cell: + 86 186 2136 1670
> Office: + 86 21 6211 8017/27/37
> Skype: elico.corperic.caudal@elico-corp.com
> [image: Elico Corp]
> On 04/08/2013 07:58 PM, Goran Kliska wrote:
> Hello,
> This is mostly about "peaceful co-existence" of localizations:
> - common ancestor(s) for localizations in "storno accounting" part of
> the world
> - ability to have one company "storno", another "contra" in same database
> I am willing to invest my time maintaining a branch, best I can.
> History of account_storno module:
> - patching account module -> having private fork, worst possible idea
> - l10n_hr_account_storno -> ok for local installations, but it
> will collide with other localizations
> - account_storno -> common ancestor for l10n_hr..., l10n_ro..., don't
> know for others,
> but I am sure that is needed in current form for Bosnia, Serbia,
> Montenegro, Macedonia.
> @Nhomar
> Some years ago I learned about "contra accounting" and I
> was surprised just as you are now with "storno".
> It is in every accounting book, high school class, law in this region.
> Recent example is "Fiscal Invoice Law"(SOAP) where we MUST have negative
> amounts.
> Contra accounting is forbidden by law in some countries, in some is
> optional, in some storno is forbidden.
> "I am totally disagree about this approach."
> Every accountant in the region totally disagree with contra approach.
> Implementing ERP without accountant blessing == mission impossible
> Let's say my example is from analytic accounting.
> What is the meaning of sum(debit) & sum(credit) for A)Contra?
> Just being curious and NOT pushing this analytic idea as community one -
> I'll do it in some other branch.
> "I dont know how we can be affected with Storno"
> It is like account_anglo_saxon. Don't install if you don't need it.
> For mixed installations
> - replacement of SQL constraint is provided
> - storno/contra is selectable on the Journal level
> I don't' know about origin, is not that important.
> Maybe it is from Soviet USSR, maybe from Benedikt Kotruljević
> (Dubrovnik,Croatia) regarded as inventor of double-entry accounting
> and his work *Libro de l'Arte de la Mercatura* (*Book on the Art of Trade*)
> from 1458
> Goran Kliska
> *Slobodni programi d.o.o.*
> *Gorjanska 23, Zagreb, Croatia*
> 2013/4/8 Nhomar Hernández <nhomar@xxxxxxxxx>
>> Hello/
>> From my point of view, the global approach must be cosidered, but i
>> have one strong point in your example, comment in lines.
>> 2013/4/8 Goran Kliska <gkliska@xxxxxxxxx>
>>> Please support the idea.
>>> We can't ignore Russia, China and whole East Europe and claim we have
>>> global ERP.
>>> Storno and red-storno are mandatory by the low in some countries.
>>> Imagine multi-company/multi-country implementation.
>>> As Croatia is entering EU we are getting more&more leads requiring
>>> multi-country.
>>> It is implemented in all ERPs pretending to be global or multi-country.
>>> Another goal is to raise awareness in developer community because
>>> we are suffering when in the middle of a 200 lines method we have to
>>> deal with contra accounting assumption.
>>> As Eric said, it really is in a category of anglo-saxon accounting.
>>> Let's start with community effort and hope it will lend in official
>>> addons some day.
>>> There are some advantages in storno principle.
>>> One example (it could be for analytic accounting):
>>> 1. Cost 100€ Debit
>>> 2. Cost 50€ Debit
>>> 3. Cost -50€ A) (+)Credit or B) (-)Debit (late correction)
>>> 4. Revenue 200€ Credit
>>> Balance is the same 100€, but
>>> A) with Contra approach sum(Debit) = 150€ , sum(Credit) = 250€
>>> - useless
>>> B) with Storno approach
>>> sum(Debit) = 100€ = Total Costs
>>> sum(Credit)= 200€ = Total Revenues
>>> For Contra only one field is enough to express Debit&Credit with
>>> (+)&(-) sign.
>>> IMHO much better approach is to always have debit and credit fields that
>>> can be negative.
>> I am totally disagree about this approach.
>> We use in Vauxoo as reference this book:
>> www.principlesof*accounting*.com/
>> It is REALLY good, our utopic dream is that OpenERP support 100% over
>> it.
>> Do you have some text book where the storno approach is documented and
>> where they say explicitly that you can have (-) Negative values in your
>> Journal Entries.
>> For me is difficult to believe, in my opinion, It is more a thing
>> regarding the old system are done in times where validate this were so
>> difficult .... Now with actual technilogies, i can not see reason to brake
>> intentionally _basic_ accounting principles.
>> A LOT of thing are more easy in accounting because we have very weel
>> controlled this issue, brake it can represent A LOT of more problem (we
>> solved them in V5.0 when this feature was allowed, and it represent to us
>> fix 1 year of accounting information) this is the reason because i need
>> introduce this comment here.
>> I dont know how we can be affected with Storno, but the First Step is
>> at least introduce where is the origin of the concept, it must be our
>> starting point.
>>> Let's just start with legal requirements that in some countries
>>> refunds must be done
>>> with NEGATIVE quantities and amount.
>> Best regards.
>>> lp
>>> Goran Kliska
>>> *Slobodni programi d.o.o.*
>>> *Gorjanska 23, Zagreb*
>>> *tel. +385 (1) 3095 113*
>>> *fax. +385 (1) 3095 148 *
>>> *mob. +385 91 2722 676*
>>> 2013/4/8 Eric Caudal <eric.caudal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>>>> China is using Storno accounting so we are interested in
>>>> participating.
>>>> This is a localization but so widely used that I would rather be in
>>>> favor of general feature (to be activated in the setting/accounting menu
>>>> like anglo-saxon accounting)
>>>> Eric Caudal*CEO*
>>>> --*Elico Corporation, Shanghai branchOpenERP Premium Certified Training Partner *
>>>> Cell: + 86 186 2136 1670
>>>> Office: + 86 21 6211 8017/27/37
>>>> Skype: elico.corperic.caudal@elico-corp.com
>>>> [image: Elico Corp]
>>>> On 04/08/2013 03:22 PM, Joël Grand-Guillaume wrote:
>>>> Dear Community,
>>>> Goran suggested to me that we should add a new project for "Storno"
>>>> accounting under the community reviewer responsibility. It seems to be
>>>> "best practice" accounting mostly used on eastern european country.
>>>> The branch of his work is currently here:
>>>> sp/slobodni_addons_61/files/head:/account_storno/
>>>> It seems more related to a localization problematic from my point of
>>>> view. Since now, we mainly try to avoid that in our community branch,
>>>> focusing more on "general" feature. Localization are more handled by each
>>>> of us in our respective country. However, this seems to be used by quite
>>>> lots of country and may justify to land in our community branch...
>>>> What is your opinion ? Who is in favor of including this as a new
>>>> project of the team "Account Core Editors" in the community branches ?
>>>> Thanks for your feed-back,
>>>> Joël
>>>> Début du message réexpédié :
>>>> *De : *Goran Kliska <gkliska@xxxxxxxxx>
>>>> *Objet : **Storno accounting branch*
>>>> *Date : *5 avril 2013 03:14:36 UTC+02:00
>>>> *À : *Joël Grand-Guillaume @ camptocamp <
>>>> joel.grandguillaume@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>>>> *Répondre à : *Goran Kliska <gkliska@xxxxxxxxx>
>>>> Dear Account Core Editors team admins,
>>>> Please consider creating a new branch for storno accounting modules.
>>>> Storno Accounting is a business practice commonly used in Eastern
>>>> European countries.
>>>> Countries where Storno accounting is mandatory or considered as best
>>>> practice:
>>>> Czech Republic, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Ukraine,
>>>> Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Romania, ...
>>>> Latest 6.1 version is here:
>>>> sp/slobodni_addons_61/files/head:/account_storno/
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Goran Kliska
>>>> Slobodni programi d.o.o.
>>>> --
>>>> This message was sent from Launchpad by
>>>> Goran Kliska (
>>>> using the "Contact this team's admins" link on the Account Core Editors
>>>> team
>>>> page (
>>>> For more information see
>>>> --
>>>> *camptocamp*
>>>> *Joël Grand-Guillaume*
>>>> Division Manager
>>>> Business Solutions
>>>> +41 21 619 10 28
>>>> *
>>>> *
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