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Re: OpenERP Apps v7.0 is live


On 09/03/2013 09:17 AM, Lorenzo Battistini wrote:
how are multiple module authors handled by the new apps platform?

We thought we had to use a list of strings, but this doesn't seem to be

Will multiple authors be supported? Or is it better if we just write a
simple string?

There is currently no special provision in OpenERP Apps for handling multi-valued manifest entries. Module manifests are simply parsed by the standard ir.module.module.get_values_from_terp() which expects plain strings for `author` and `maintainer`, and a list of strings for `contributors`.

For modules with multiple authors, it makes sense to set the author field to a string containing a comma-separated list of authors. Search queries use full-text criterions including the author field, so that will work as expected: a search for "foo" will match modules authored by "foo, bar".
There is no "group by author" anymore.

Note that the Apps front-end does not currently display the `maintainer` and `contributors` fields.

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