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Re: Anyone playing with OpenERP CMS branch trunk-website-al?


Working !!

I had misspelled the 'bzr pull' command to update the 'server' branch, so it was lagging behind... Updated the three branches and it worked.

Any guidelines on how to publish errors on these branches? Open them on launchpad ?
In case OpenERP S.A. is reading...

 * website modules fail to install if demo data is not loaded on
   database, as they try to load their demo data by default
 * website_event is missing dependency on website_mail, as it tries to
   access field  '/website_published/' from '/mail.message/'
 * --load=website  is not loading website module automatically.  Not
   sure if that should be the case, or even if I am doing it wrong here...

Holger, please give me your paypal account, to send you a beer...   ;-)


On 09/17/2013 05:04 PM, Holger Brunn wrote:
Seems to be our private little topic

The "edit" button is missing, as well as the rest of the upper bar.

Are you using the website-al-versions of server, web and addons? I used them
in my test setup and didn't look for differences, but I guess they're there for
a reason. Or indeed current development glitches.

Is it possible to avoid the need to manually installing "website"
module?  My guess is that I have to do it manually because my
configuration is missing something else...
this is what the --load parameter gives you for free. For the data set
auto=True in the manifest file

Follow ups
