openerp-community team mailing list archive
openerp-community team
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Message #06658
Bug on currency_rate_update module
Hi Community,
I have used currency_rate_update module, it's a great module to update
currency rate automatically.
But I found a problem, sometimes we get the wrong rate.
As for your info, my company base currency is CNY, and the bellow image is
the rate for EUR.
And we choose yahoo provider to update the currency.
As you can see, the mark that I did is the line that has a wrong rate.
Why did this happen? Is it a bug from the module?
As my point of view, there's no problem if we failed to has the update rate
on that day, but if we get the wrong rate it's a big problem for us.
We used this module on each our customer database, and Its very big problem
if we got this wrong rate.
Is there someone that has this kind of problem?
Thank You.
Best Regards,
Hans Yonathan
OpenERP Support
Expert in Finance & Business Intelligence
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