openerp-dev-web team mailing list archive
openerp-dev-web team
Mailing list archive
Message #04118
lp:~openerp-dev/openobject-client-web/proto61-qweb-namespaces-xmo into lp:~openerp-dev/openobject-client-web/trunk-proto61
Xavier (Open ERP) has proposed merging lp:~openerp-dev/openobject-client-web/proto61-qweb-namespaces-xmo into lp:~openerp-dev/openobject-client-web/trunk-proto61 with lp:~openerp-dev/openobject-client-web/proto61-qweb-tests-and-fixes-xmo as a prerequisite.
Requested reviews:
Antony Lesuisse (al-openerp)
Fabien Meghazi (OpenERP) (fme)
For more details, see:
Your team OpenERP R&D Team is subscribed to branch lp:~openerp-dev/openobject-client-web/proto61-qweb-tests-and-fixes-xmo.
=== modified file 'addons/base/static/openerp/base.xml'
--- addons/base/static/openerp/base.xml 2011-03-09 15:59:44 +0000
+++ addons/base/static/openerp/base.xml 2011-03-14 08:44:59 +0000
@@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- vim:fdl=1:
-<templates id="template" xml:space="preserve">
-<t t-name="Interface">
+<t:templates id="template" xml:space="preserve" xmlns:t="qweb">
+<t:template name="Interface">
<div id="oe_loading" class="loading"></div>
<div id="oe_login" class="login"></div>
<div id="oe_header" class="header"></div>
@@ -17,18 +16,18 @@
<div style="position: absolute; right: 2px; top: 38px;">
<button onclick="QWeb.add_template('base.xml'); $('body').css('background-color', '#FFFF9C'); setTimeout(function() { $('body').css('background-color', '#FFF'); }, 500);">Reload QWEB</button>
-<t t-name="Loading">
+<t:template name="Loading">
-<t t-name="Login">
+<t:template name="Login">
Login: <input type="text" name="login" value="admin"/><br/>
Password: <input type="password" name="password" value="a"/><br/>
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Login"/>
-<t t-name="Header">
+<t:template name="Header">
<a href="/" class="company_logo_link">
<img src="/base/static/openerp/img/logo.png" border="0" class="company_logo"/>
@@ -59,31 +58,28 @@
-<t t-name="Menu.root">
+<t:template name="Menu.root">
<ul class="sf-menu">
- <t t-foreach="data.children" t-as="menu">
- <t t-call="Menu.children"/>
- </t>
+ <t:d foreach="data.children" as="menu">
+ <t:d call="Menu.children"/>
+ </t:d>
<div style="clear: both"></div>
-<t t-name="Menu.children">
+<t:template name="Menu.children">
<!-- TODO prefix id with the element_id of the controller -->
- <li><a href="#" t-attf-id="menu_#{}"><t t-esc=""/></a>
- <t t-if="menu.children.length!=0">
+ <li><a href="#" t:attf-id="menu_#{}"><t:d out=""/></a>
+ <t:d if="menu.children.length!=0">
- <t t-foreach="menu.children" t-as="menu">
- <t t-call="Menu.children"/>
- </t>
+ <t:d foreach="menu.children" as="menu">
+ <t:d call="Menu.children"/>
+ </t:d>
- </t>
+ </t:d>
-<t t-name="ListView">
- <!--
- <h3><t t-esc="fields_view.arch['@string']"/></h3>
- -->
+<t:template name="ListView">
<div style="text-align:right;">
<input type="button" value="First"/>
<input type="button" value="<<"/>
@@ -92,9 +88,9 @@
<input type="button" value="Last"/>
<table id="todo_use_unique_id" class="jqGrid"></table>
-<t t-name="FormView">
- <h3 class="title"><t t-esc="fields_view.arch.attrs.string"/></h3>
+<t:template name="FormView">
+ <h3 class="title"><t:d out="fields_view.arch.attrs.string"/></h3>
<div style="text-align:right;">
<input type="button" value="First"/>
<input type="button" value="<<"/>
@@ -102,98 +98,85 @@
<input type="button" value=">>"/>
<input type="button" value="Last"/>
- <t t-call="FormView.node">
- <t t-set="node" t-value="fields_view.arch"/>
- </t>
+ <t:d call="FormView.node">
+ <t:d set="node" value="fields_view.arch"/>
+ </t:d>
<div style="text-align:right;">
<input type="button" value="Save"/>
-<t t-name="FormView.node">
- <!--
- tag: <t t-esc="node.tag"/> <t t-esc="node['@name']"/> <br/>
- <t t-if="node.tag == 'filter'">
- <input type="button" t-att-value="node['@string']"/>
- <t t-esc="node['@name']"/>
- <br/>
- </t>
- <t t-if="node.tag == 'separator'">
- <hr/>
- <t t-esc="node['@name']"/>
- <t t-esc="node['@string']"/>
- </t>
- -->
- <t t-if="node.tag == 'field'">
- <t t-esc="node.attrs.string"/>
- <t t-esc=""/>
- <input type="text" t-att-name=""/>
- <br/>
- </t>
- <t t-foreach="node.children || []" t-as="node">
- <t t-call="FormView.node"/>
- </t>
-<t t-name="SearchView">
+<t:template name="FormView.node">
+ <t:d if="node.tag == 'field'">
+ <t:d out="node.attrs.string"/>
+ <t:d out=""/>
+ <input type="text" t:att-name=""/>
+ <br/>
+ </t:d>
+ <t:d foreach="node.children || []" as="node">
+ <t:d call="FormView.node"/>
+ </t:d>
+<t:template name="SearchView">
<h3 class="title"><t t-esc="fields_view.arch.attrs['string']"/></h3>
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
- <t t-call="SearchView.node">
- <t t-set="node" t-value="fields_view.arch"/>
- <t t-set="previous_node_type"></t>
- </t>
+ <t:d call="SearchView.node">
+ <t:d set="node" value="fields_view.arch"/>
+ <t:d set="previous_node_type"></t:d>
+ </t:d>
<div style="text-align:right;">
<input id="search" type="button" value="Search"/>
<input type="button" value="Clear"/>
-<t t-name="SearchView.node" t-trim="inner">
- <t t-if="node.tag == 'filter'">
- <t t-if="previous_node_type != 'filter'">
+<t:template name="SearchView.node" trim="inner">
+ <t:d if="node.tag == 'filter'">
+ <t:d if="previous_node_type != 'filter'">
<td nowrap="true" valign="bottom" class="filter_label_group">
- </t>
- <button type="button" t-att-title="" t-att-class="node.attrs.string ? 'filter_label' : 'filter_icon'">
- <img t-if="node.attrs.icon" t-att-src="'/base/static/openerp/img/icons/' + node.attrs.icon + '.png'" width="16" height="16"/>
- <br t-if="node.attrs.icon and node.attrs.string"/>
- <t t-esc="node.attrs.string"/>
+ </t:d>
+ <button type="button" t:att-title="" t:att-class="node.attrs.string ? 'filter_label' : 'filter_icon'">
+ <img t:if="node.attrs.icon" t:att-src="'/base/static/openerp/img/icons/' + node.attrs.icon + '.png'" width="16" height="16"/>
+ <br t:if="node.attrs.icon and node.attrs.string"/>
+ <t:d out="node.attrs.string"/>
- <t t-if="next_node_type != 'filter'">
+ <t:d if="next_node_type != 'filter'">
- </t>
- </t>
- <t t-if="node.tag == 'separator'">
+ </t:d>
+ </t:d>
+ <t:d if="node.tag == 'separator'">
<!-- nothing in search view ? -->
- </t>
- <t t-if="node.tag == 'newline'">
+ </t:d>
+ <t:d if="node.tag == 'newline'">
<!-- TODO: check qweb support for cdata -->
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
- </t>
- <t t-if="node.tag == 'field'">
- <t t-set="orm" t-value="fields_view.fields[] || {}"/>
+ </t:d>
+ <t:d if="node.tag == 'field'">
+ <t:d set="orm" value="fields_view.fields[] || {}"/>
- <label style="display: block" t-att-title=" ||">
- <t t-esc="orm.string || node.attrs.string ||"/>
- <span t-if=" ||">(?)</span>
+ <label style="display: block" t:att-title=" ||">
+ <t:d out="orm.string || node.attrs.string ||"/>
+ <span t:if=" ||">(?)</span>
- <input type="text" t-att-name=""/>
+ <input type="text" t:att-name=""/>
- </t>
- <t t-if="node.tag == 'group'">
+ </t:d>
+ <t:d if="node.tag == 'group'">
<!-- if group is called without a <newline/> before, the table should be closed.
I think we'll need preprocessing, all those escaped tables are too ugly -->
- <div t-att-class="'searchview_group ' + (node.attrs.expand == '0' ? 'folded' : 'expanded')">
- <a class="searchview_group_string" href="#" onclick="$(this).parent().toggleClass('folded expanded')"><t t-esc="node.attrs.string"/></a>
+ <div t:att-class="'searchview_group ' + (node.attrs.expand == '0' ? 'folded' : 'expanded')">
+ <a class="searchview_group_string" href="#" onclick="$(this).parent().toggleClass('folded expanded')"><t:d out="node.attrs.string"/></a>
<div class="searchview_group_content">
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
- <t t-call="SearchView.recurse"/>
+ <t:d call="SearchView.recurse"/>
@@ -203,20 +186,20 @@
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
- </t>
- <t t-if="node.children and node.tag != 'newline' and node.tag != 'group'">
- <t t-call="SearchView.recurse"/>
- </t>
-<t t-name="SearchView.recurse" t-trim="inner">
- <t t-foreach="node.children" t-as="node">
- <t t-call="SearchView.node">
- <t t-set="previous_node_type" t-value="node_all[node_index - 1] ? node_all[node_index - 1].tag : ''"/>
- <t t-set="next_node_type" t-value="node_all[node_index + 1] ? node_all[node_index + 1].tag : ''"/>
- </t>
- </t>
-<t t-name="Action">
+ </t:d>
+ <t:d if="node.children and node.tag != 'newline' and node.tag != 'group'">
+ <t:d call="SearchView.recurse"/>
+ </t:d>
+<t:template name="SearchView.recurse" trim="inner">
+ <t:d foreach="node.children" as="node">
+ <t:d call="SearchView.node">
+ <t:d set="previous_node_type" value="node_all[node_index - 1] ? node_all[node_index - 1].tag : ''"/>
+ <t:d set="next_node_type" value="node_all[node_index + 1] ? node_all[node_index + 1].tag : ''"/>
+ </t:d>
+ </t:d>
+<t:template name="Action">
<!-- TODO prefix id with the element_id of the controller t-attf-id="#{prefix}_localid" -->
<div style="text-align:right;">
<input id="mode_list" type="button" value="ListView"/>
@@ -226,5 +209,5 @@
<div id="oe_action_search" ></div>
<div id="oe_action_list" ></div>
<div id="oe_action_form" ></div>
=== modified file 'addons/base/static/qweb/qweb-test-attributes.xml'
--- addons/base/static/qweb/qweb-test-attributes.xml 2011-03-14 08:44:59 +0000
+++ addons/base/static/qweb/qweb-test-attributes.xml 2011-03-14 08:44:59 +0000
@@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
- <t t-name="fixed-literal">
- <div t-att-foo="'bar'"/>
- </t>
- <t t-name="fixed-variable">
- <div t-att-foo="value"/>
- </t>
- <t t-name="tuple-literal">
- <div t-att="['foo', 'bar']"/>
- </t>
- <t t-name="tuple-variable">
- <div t-att="att"/>
- </t>
- <t t-name="format-literal">
- <div t-attf-foo="bar"/>
- </t>
- <t t-name="format-value">
- <div t-attf-foo="b#{value}r"/>
- </t>
+<t:templates xmlns:t="qweb">
+ <t:template name="fixed-literal">
+ <div t:att-foo="'bar'"/>
+ </t:template>
+ <t:template name="fixed-variable">
+ <div t:att-foo="value"/>
+ </t:template>
+ <t:template name="tuple-literal">
+ <div t:att="['foo', 'bar']"/>
+ </t:template>
+ <t:template name="tuple-variable">
+ <div t:att="att"/>
+ </t:template>
+ <t:template name="format-literal">
+ <div t:attf-foo="bar"/>
+ </t:template>
+ <t:template name="format-value">
+ <div t:attf-foo="b#{value}r"/>
+ </t:template>
=== modified file 'addons/base/static/qweb/qweb-test-call.xml'
--- addons/base/static/qweb/qweb-test-call.xml 2011-03-14 08:44:59 +0000
+++ addons/base/static/qweb/qweb-test-call.xml 2011-03-14 08:44:59 +0000
@@ -1,30 +1,30 @@
- <t t-name="basic-callee">ok</t>
- <t t-name="callee-printsbody"><t t-esc="0"/></t>
- <t t-name="callee-uses-foo"><t t-esc="foo"/></t>
- <t t-name="callee-sets-foo"><t t-set="foo" t-value="'ok'"/></t>
+<t:templates xmlns:t="qweb">
+ <t:template name="basic-callee">ok</t:template>
+ <t:template name="callee-printsbody"><t:d out="0"/></t:template>
+ <t:template name="callee-uses-foo"><t:d out="foo"/></t:template>
+ <t:template name="callee-sets-foo"><t:d set="foo" value="'ok'"/></t:template>
- <t t-name="basic-caller">
- <t t-call="basic-callee"/>
- </t>
- <t t-name="with-unused-body">
- <t t-call="basic-callee">WHEEE</t>
- </t>
- <t t-name="with-unused-setbody">
- <t t-call="basic-callee">
- <t t-set="qux" t-value="3"/>
- </t>
- </t>
- <t t-name="with-used-body">
- <t t-call="callee-printsbody">ok</t>
- </t>
- <t t-name="with-used-setbody">
- <t t-call="callee-uses-foo">
- <t t-set="foo" t-value="'ok'"/>
- </t>
- </t>
- <t t-name="in-context-import">
- <t t-call="callee-sets-foo" t-import='*'/>
- <t t-esc="foo"/>
- </t>
+ <t:template name="basic-caller">
+ <t:d call="basic-callee"/>
+ </t:template>
+ <t:template name="with-unused-body">
+ <t:d call="basic-callee">WHEEE</t:d>
+ </t:template>
+ <t:template name="with-unused-setbody">
+ <t:d call="basic-callee">
+ <t:d set="qux" value="3"/>
+ </t:d>
+ </t:template>
+ <t:template name="with-used-body">
+ <t:d call="callee-printsbody">ok</t:d>
+ </t:template>
+ <t:template name="with-used-setbody">
+ <t:d call="callee-uses-foo">
+ <t:d set="foo" value="'ok'"/>
+ </t:d>
+ </t:template>
+ <t:template name="in-context-import">
+ <t:d call="callee-sets-foo" import='*'/>
+ <t:d out="foo"/>
+ </t:template>
=== modified file 'addons/base/static/qweb/qweb-test-conditionals.xml'
--- addons/base/static/qweb/qweb-test-conditionals.xml 2011-03-14 08:44:59 +0000
+++ addons/base/static/qweb/qweb-test-conditionals.xml 2011-03-14 08:44:59 +0000
@@ -1,59 +1,59 @@
- <t t-name="literal-conditional">
- <t t-if="true">ok</t>
- </t>
- <t t-name="boolean-value-conditional">
- <t t-if="value">ok</t>
- </t>
- <t t-name="boolean-value-conditional-false">
- <t t-if="value">fail</t>
- </t>
- <t t-name="negify">
- <t t-if="!false">ok</t>
- </t>
- <t t-name="equality">
- <t t-if="1 == 1">ok</t>
- </t>
- <t t-name="difference">
- <t t-if="1 != 2">ok</t>
- </t>
- <t t-name="and">
- <t t-if="true and true">ok</t>
- </t>
- <t t-name="and-js">
- <t t-if="true && true">ok</t>
- </t>
- <t t-name="or">
- <t t-if="false or true">ok</t>
- </t>
- <t t-name="or-js">
- <t t-if="false || true">ok</t>
- </t>
- <t t-name="greater">
- <t t-if="2 gt 1">ok</t>
- </t>
- <t t-name="greater-js">
- <t t-if="2 > 1">ok</t>
- </t>
- <t t-name="lower">
- <t t-if="1 lt 2">ok</t>
- </t>
- <t t-name="lower-js">
- <t t-if="1 < 2">ok</t>
- </t>
- <t t-name="greater-or-equal">
- <t t-if="2 gte 1">o</t><t t-if="2 gte 2">k</t>
- </t>
- <t t-name="greater-or-equal-js">
- <t t-if="2 >= 1">o</t><t t-if="2 >= 2">k</t>
- </t>
- <t t-name="lower-or-equal">
- <t t-if="1 lte 2">o</t><t t-if="2 lte 2">k</t>
- </t>
- <t t-name="lower-or-equal-js">
- <t t-if="1 <= 2">o</t><t t-if="2 <= 2">k</t>
- </t>
+<t:templates xmlns:t="qweb">
+ <t:template name="literal-conditional">
+ <t:d if="true">ok</t:d>
+ </t:template>
+ <t:template name="boolean-value-conditional">
+ <t:d if="value">ok</t:d>
+ </t:template>
+ <t:template name="boolean-value-conditional-false">
+ <t:d if="value">fail</t:d>
+ </t:template>
+ <t:template name="negify">
+ <t:d if="!false">ok</t:d>
+ </t:template>
+ <t:template name="equality">
+ <t:d if="1 == 1">ok</t:d>
+ </t:template>
+ <t:template name="difference">
+ <t:d if="1 != 2">ok</t:d>
+ </t:template>
+ <t:template name="and">
+ <t:d if="true and true">ok</t:d>
+ </t:template>
+ <t:template name="and-js">
+ <t:d if="true && true">ok</t:d>
+ </t:template>
+ <t:template name="or">
+ <t:d if="false or true">ok</t:d>
+ </t:template>
+ <t:template name="or-js">
+ <t:d if="false || true">ok</t:d>
+ </t:template>
+ <t:template name="greater">
+ <t:d if="2 gt 1">ok</t:d>
+ </t:template>
+ <t:template name="greater-js">
+ <t:d if="2 > 1">ok</t:d>
+ </t:template>
+ <t:template name="lower">
+ <t:d if="1 lt 2">ok</t:d>
+ </t:template>
+ <t:template name="lower-js">
+ <t:d if="1 < 2">ok</t:d>
+ </t:template>
+ <t:template name="greater-or-equal">
+ <t:d if="2 gte 1">o</t:d><t:d if="2 gte 2">k</t:d>
+ </t:template>
+ <t:template name="greater-or-equal-js">
+ <t:d if="2 >= 1">o</t:d><t:d if="2 >= 2">k</t:d>
+ </t:template>
+ <t:template name="lower-or-equal">
+ <t:d if="1 lte 2">o</t:d><t:d if="2 lte 2">k</t:d>
+ </t:template>
+ <t:template name="lower-or-equal-js">
+ <t:d if="1 <= 2">o</t:d><t:d if="2 <= 2">k</t:d>
+ </t:template>
=== modified file 'addons/base/static/qweb/qweb-test-foreach.xml'
--- addons/base/static/qweb/qweb-test-foreach.xml 2011-03-14 08:44:59 +0000
+++ addons/base/static/qweb/qweb-test-foreach.xml 2011-03-14 08:44:59 +0000
@@ -1,40 +1,40 @@
- <t t-name="repetition-text-content" t-trim="both">
- <t t-foreach="seq">*</t>
- </t>
- <t t-name="repetition-dom-content" t-trim="both">
- <t t-foreach="seq"><b/></t>
- </t>
- <t t-name="repetition-self" t-trim="both">
- <b t-foreach="seq"/>
- </t>
- <t t-name="scope-self" t-trim="both">
- <t t-foreach="seq"><t t-esc="seq"/></t>
- </t>
- <t t-name="scope-value" t-trim="both">
- <t t-foreach="seq"><t t-esc="seq_value"/></t>
- </t>
- <t t-name="scope-index" t-trim="both">
- <t t-foreach="seq"><t t-esc="seq_index"/></t>
- </t>
- <t t-name="scope-first" t-trim="both">
- <t t-foreach="seq"><t t-esc="seq_first"/> </t>
- </t>
- <t t-name="scope-last" t-trim="both">
- <t t-foreach="seq"><t t-esc="seq_last"/> </t>
- </t>
- <t t-name="scope-parity" t-trim="both">
- <t t-foreach="seq"><t t-esc="seq_parity"/> </t>
- </t>
- <t t-name="scope-size" t-trim="both">
- <t t-foreach="seq"><t t-esc="seq_size"/> </t>
- </t>
- <t t-name="aliasing" t-trim="both">
- <t t-foreach="seq" t-as="item"><t t-esc="item"/></t>
- </t>
- <t t-name="loopvars-aliasing" t-trim="both">
- <t t-foreach="seq" t-as="item"><t t-esc="item_parity"/> </t>
- </t>
+<t:templates xmlns:t="qweb">
+ <t:template name="repetition-text-content" trim="both">
+ <t:d foreach="seq">*</t:d>
+ </t:template>
+ <t:template name="repetition-dom-content" trim="both">
+ <t:d foreach="seq"><b/></t:d>
+ </t:template>
+ <t:template name="repetition-self" trim="both">
+ <b t:foreach="seq"/>
+ </t:template>
+ <t:template name="scope-self" trim="both">
+ <t:d foreach="seq"><t:d out="seq"/></t:d>
+ </t:template>
+ <t:template name="scope-value" trim="both">
+ <t:d foreach="seq"><t:d out="seq_value"/></t:d>
+ </t:template>
+ <t:template name="scope-index" trim="both">
+ <t:d foreach="seq"><t:d out="seq_index"/></t:d>
+ </t:template>
+ <t:template name="scope-first" trim="both">
+ <t:d foreach="seq"><t:d out="seq_first"/> </t:d>
+ </t:template>
+ <t:template name="scope-last" trim="both">
+ <t:d foreach="seq"><t:d out="seq_last"/> </t:d>
+ </t:template>
+ <t:template name="scope-parity" trim="both">
+ <t:d foreach="seq"><t:d out="seq_parity"/> </t:d>
+ </t:template>
+ <t:template name="scope-size" trim="both">
+ <t:d foreach="seq"><t:d out="seq_size"/> </t:d>
+ </t:template>
+ <t:template name="aliasing" trim="both">
+ <t:d foreach="seq" as="item"><t:d out="item"/></t:d>
+ </t:template>
+ <t:template name="loopvars-aliasing" trim="both">
+ <t:d foreach="seq" as="item"><t:d out="item_parity"/> </t:d>
+ </t:template>
=== modified file 'addons/base/static/qweb/qweb-test-output.xml'
--- addons/base/static/qweb/qweb-test-output.xml 2011-03-14 08:44:59 +0000
+++ addons/base/static/qweb/qweb-test-output.xml 2011-03-14 08:44:59 +0000
@@ -1,51 +1,23 @@
+<t:templates xmlns:t="qweb">
<!-- esc, evaluates and returns @t-esc after having xml-escaped it -->
- <t t-name="esc-literal">
- <t t-esc="'ok'"/>
- </t>
- <t t-name="esc-variable">
- <t t-esc="ok"/>
- </t>
- <t t-name="esc-toescape">
- <t t-esc="ok"/>
- </t>
- <!-- escf, same as t-esc, but @t-escf is a format string -->
- <t t-name="escf-noformat-literal">
- <t t-escf="ok"/>
- </t>
- <t t-name="escf-simpleformat-variable">
- <t t-escf="#{value}"/>
- </t>
- <t t-name="escf-format-variable">
- <t t-escf="[#{value}]"/>
- </t>
- <t t-name="escf-format-variable-with-escapes">
- <t t-escf="[#{value}]"/>
- </t>
+ <t:template name="esc-literal">
+ <t:d out="'ok'"/>
+ </t:template>
+ <t:template name="esc-variable">
+ <t:d out="ok"/>
+ </t:template>
+ <t:template name="esc-toescape">
+ <t:d out="ok"/>
+ </t:template>
<!-- raw, evaluates and returns @t-raw directly (no escaping) -->
- <t t-name="raw-literal">
- <t t-raw="'ok'"/>
- </t>
- <t t-name="raw-variable">
- <t t-raw="ok"/>
- </t>
- <t t-name="raw-notescaped">
- <t t-raw="ok"/>
- </t>
- <!-- rawf, same as t-raw, but @t-rawf is a format string -->
- <t t-name="rawf-noformat-literal">
- <t t-escf="ok"/>
- </t>
- <t t-name="rawf-simpleformat-variable">
- <t t-escf="#{value}"/>
- </t>
- <t t-name="rawf-format-variable">
- <t t-escf="[#{value}]"/>
- </t>
- <t t-name="rawf-format-variable-notescaped">
- <t t-rawf="[#{value}]"/>
- </t>
+ <t:template name="raw-literal">
+ <t:d raw="'ok'"/>
+ </t:template>
+ <t:template name="raw-variable">
+ <t:d raw="ok"/>
+ </t:template>
+ <t:template name="raw-notescaped">
+ <t:d raw="ok"/>
+ </t:template>
=== modified file 'addons/base/static/qweb/qweb-test-set.xml'
--- addons/base/static/qweb/qweb-test-set.xml 2011-03-14 08:44:59 +0000
+++ addons/base/static/qweb/qweb-test-set.xml 2011-03-14 08:44:59 +0000
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
- <t t-name="set-from-attribute-literal">
- <t t-set="value" t-value="'ok'"/><t t-esc="value"/>
- </t>
- <t t-name="set-from-body-literal">
- <t t-set="value">ok</t><t t-esc="value"/>
- </t>
+<t:templates xmlns:t="qweb">
+ <t:template name="set-from-attribute-literal">
+ <t:d set="value" value="'ok'"/><t:d out="value"/>
+ </t:template>
+ <t:template name="set-from-body-literal">
+ <t:d set="value">ok</t:d><t:d out="value"/>
+ </t:template>
- <t t-name="set-from-attribute-lookup">
- <t t-set="stuff" t-value="value"/><t t-esc="stuff"/>
- </t>
- <t t-name="set-from-body-lookup">
- <t t-set="stuff"><t t-esc="value"/></t><t t-esc="stuff"/>
- </t>
+ <t:template name="set-from-attribute-lookup">
+ <t:d set="stuff" value="value"/><t:d out="stuff"/>
+ </t:template>
+ <t:template name="set-from-body-lookup">
+ <t:d set="stuff"><t:d out="value"/></t:d><t:d out="stuff"/>
+ </t:template>
=== modified file 'addons/base/static/qweb/qweb-test-trim.xml'
--- addons/base/static/qweb/qweb-test-trim.xml 2011-03-14 08:44:59 +0000
+++ addons/base/static/qweb/qweb-test-trim.xml 2011-03-14 08:44:59 +0000
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
- <t t-name="trim-content-both" t-trim="both">
+<t:templates xmlns:t="qweb">
+ <t:template name="trim-content-both" trim="both">
- </t>
- <t t-name="trim-content-before" t-trim="left"> ok </t>
- <t t-name="trim-content-after" t-trim="right"> ok </t>
- <t t-name="trim-content-unknown" t-trim="stuff"> ok </t>
+ </t:template>
+ <t:template name="trim-content-before" trim="left"> ok </t:template>
+ <t:template name="trim-content-after" trim="right"> ok </t:template>
+ <t:template name="trim-content-unknown" trim="stuff"> ok </t:template>
- <t t-name="trim-children-text" t-trim="inner">o k</t>
- <t t-name="trim-children-elements" t-trim="inner">
+ <t:template name="trim-children-text" trim="inner">o k</t:template>
+ <t:template name="trim-children-elements" trim="inner">
- </t>
- <t t-name="trim-mixed-children" t-trim="inner">
+ </t:template>
+ <t:template name="trim-mixed-children" trim="inner">
[ <foo/> ]
- </t>
- <t t-name='trim-children-left' t-trim="left inner"> <foo/> <bar/> </t>
- <t t-name='trim-children-right' t-trim="right inner"> <foo/> <bar/> </t>
+ </t:template>
+ <t:template name='trim-children-left' trim="left inner"> <foo/> <bar/> </t:template>
+ <t:template name='trim-children-right' trim="right inner"> <foo/> <bar/> </t:template>
=== modified file 'addons/base/static/qweb/qweb-test.js.html'
--- addons/base/static/qweb/qweb-test.js.html 2011-03-14 08:44:59 +0000
+++ addons/base/static/qweb/qweb-test.js.html 2011-03-14 08:44:59 +0000
@@ -31,29 +31,11 @@
equals(render('esc-variable', {ok: 'ok'}), "ok", "Render a string variable");
equals(render('esc-toescape', {ok: '<ok>'}), "<ok>", "Render a string with data to escape");
- test("Formatted escaped output", function () {
- equals(render('escf-noformat-literal', {}), "ok", "Render a literal string");
- equals(render('escf-simpleformat-variable', {value: 'ok'}), "ok",
- "Only render an interpolated variable");
- equals(render('escf-format-variable', {value: 'ok'}), "[ok]",
- "Actually formatted variable");
- equals(render('escf-format-variable-with-escapes', {value: '<ok>'}), '[<ok>]',
- "Render a formatted string with data to escape");
- });
test("Basic unescaped output", function () {
equals(render('raw-literal', {}), "ok", "Render a literal string");
equals(render('raw-variable', {ok: 'ok'}), "ok", "Render a string variable");
equals(render('raw-notescaped', {ok: '<ok>'}), "<ok>", "Render a string with data not escaped");
- test("Formatted unescaped output", function () {
- equals(render('rawf-noformat-literal', {}), "ok", "Render a literal string");
- equals(render('rawf-simpleformat-variable', {value: 'ok'}), "ok",
- "Only render an interpolated variable");
- equals(render('rawf-format-variable', {value: 'ok'}), "[ok]",
- "Actually formatted variable");
- equals(render('rawf-format-variable-notescaped', {value: '<ok>'}), '[<ok>]',
- "Render a formatted string with data not escaped");
- });
module("Context-setting tests", {
setup: function () {
=== modified file 'addons/base/static/qweb/qweb.js'
--- addons/base/static/qweb/qweb.js 2011-03-14 08:44:59 +0000
+++ addons/base/static/qweb/qweb.js 2011-03-14 08:44:59 +0000
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@
var QWeb = {
+ ns:'qweb',
reg:new RegExp(),
@@ -47,6 +48,24 @@
this.value = value;
this.message = message;
+ isElement: function (node) {
+ return (node.nodeType == 1);
+ },
+ isTemplate: function (element) {
+ return ((element.namespaceURI == this.ns
+ && element.localName == 'template'
+ && element.getAttributeNode('name'))
+ || element.getAttributeNodeNS(this.ns, 'template'));
+ },
+ addTemplate: function (element) {
+ var name;
+ if(element.namespaceURI == this.ns) {
+ name = element.getAttributeNode('name').value;
+ } else {
+ name = element.getAttributeNodeNS(this.ns, 'template').value;
+ }
+ this.templates[name] = element;
+ },
eval_object:function(e, v) {
// TODO: Currently this will also replace and, or, ... in strings. Try
// 'hi boys and girls' != '' and 1 == 1 -- will be replaced to : 'hi boys && girls' != '' && 1 == 1
@@ -110,42 +129,45 @@
escape_att:function(s) {
return s.replace(/&/g, "&").replace(/</g, "<").replace(/>/g, ">").replace(/"/g, """);
- render_node : function(e, v, inner_trim) {
- if (e.nodeType == 3) {
- return inner_trim ? this.trim(, inner_trim) :;
+ render_node : function(node, context, inner_trim) {
+ if (node.nodeType == 3) {
+ return inner_trim ? this.trim(, inner_trim) :;
- if (e.nodeType == 1) {
- var g_att = {};
- var t_att = {};
- var t_render = null;
- var a = e.attributes;
- for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
- var an = a[i].name,av = a[i].value;
- var m;
- if (m = an.match(this.reg)) {
- var n = m[1];
- if (n == "eval") {
- n = m[2].substring(1);
- av = this.eval_str(av, v);
- }
+ if (this.isElement(node)) {
+ var dom_attributes = {};
+ var qweb_attributes = {};
+ var t_render;
+ // TODO: shortcuts
+ // TODO: eval
+ var attributes = node.attributes;
+ for (var i = 0; i < attributes.length; i++) {
+ var name = attributes[i].localName,
+ value = attributes[i].value;
+ // All attributes on {qweb}d and {qweb}directive are qweb attributes
+ // otherwise, only attributes in the qweb namespace
+ if(node.namespaceURI = this.ns
+ || attributes[i].namespaceURI == this.ns) {
var f;
- if (f = this.att[n]) {
- this[f](e, t_att, g_att, v, m[2], av);
- } else if (f = this.tag[n]) {
+ var split_name = name.split('-');
+ // TODO: fix this shit
+ if (f = this.att[split_name[0]]) {
+ this[f](node, qweb_attributes, dom_attributes, context,
+ split_name.slice(1).join('-'), value);
+ } else if (f = this.tag[name]) {
t_render = f;
- t_att[n] = av;
+ qweb_attributes[name] = value;
} else {
- g_att[an] = av;
+ dom_attributes[name] = value;
- if (inner_trim && !t_att["trim"]) {
- t_att["trim"] = "inner " + inner_trim;
+ if (inner_trim && !qweb_attributes["trim"]) {
+ qweb_attributes["trim"] = "inner " + inner_trim;
if (t_render) {
- return this[t_render](e, t_att, g_att, v);
+ return this[t_render](node, qweb_attributes, dom_attributes, context);
- return this.render_element(e, t_att, g_att, v);
+ return this.render_element(node, qweb_attributes, dom_attributes, context);
return "";
@@ -167,7 +189,7 @@
if (trim && !inner_trim) {
inner = this.trim(inner, trim);
- if (e.tagName == this.prefix) {
+ if (e.namespaceURI == this.ns) {
return inner;
var att = "";
@@ -178,26 +200,20 @@
render_att_att:function(e, t_att, g_att, v, ext, av) {
if (ext) {
- g_att[ext.substring(1)] = this.eval_str(av, v);
+ g_att[ext] = this.eval_str(av, v);
} else {
var o = this.eval_object(av, v);
g_att[o[0]] = o[1];
render_att_attf:function(e, t_att, g_att, v, ext, av) {
- g_att[ext.substring(1)] = this.eval_format(av, v);
+ g_att[ext] = this.eval_format(av, v);
render_tag_raw:function(e, t_att, g_att, v) {
return this.eval_str(t_att["raw"], v);
- render_tag_rawf:function(e, t_att, g_att, v) {
- return this.eval_format(t_att["rawf"], v);
- },
- render_tag_esc:function(e, t_att, g_att, v) {
- return this.escape_text(this.eval_str(t_att["esc"], v));
- },
- render_tag_escf:function(e, t_att, g_att, v) {
- return this.escape_text(this.eval_format(t_att["escf"], v));
+ render_tag_out:function(e, t_att, g_att, v) {
+ return this.escape_text(this.eval_str(t_att["out"], v));
render_tag_if:function(e, t_att, g_att, v) {
return this.eval_bool(t_att["if"], v) ? this.render_element(e, t_att, g_att, v) : "";
@@ -381,10 +397,10 @@
: e.childNodes ? e.childNodes
: [];
for (var i = 0; i < ec.length; i++) {
- var n = ec[i];
- if (n.nodeType == 1) {
- var name = n.getAttribute(this.prefix + "-name");
- this.templates[name] = n;
+ var template_candidate = ec[i];
+ if (this.isElement(template_candidate)
+ && this.isTemplate(template_candidate)) {
+ this.addTemplate(template_candidate);
Follow ups