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Re: account_payment, account_payment_extension: are you using it, refactoring?


Thorsten Vocks escribió:
* Account moves for cash discounts seems to be different from country to country. For germany we need to correct taxes for cash discounts at the end of the process (payment). Other countries create account moves for cash discounts on invoice (which is not legal in germany). Some countries need to correct taxes for cash discounts (at the moment i only know germany), in other countries it is strictly forbidden to correct taxes for cash discounts...
On Spain we call them "descuento pronto pago" (early payment discount) and it maybe be either:

   * Included on the original invoice.
   * Or (if the invoice was sent before applying the discount) in
another (refund-like) invoice with the difference. In both cases it discounts the base amount, so the taxes are affected (this was not true before 2008, back then it was over the total amount not affecting the taxes).

Borja López Soilán

Pexego Sistemas Informáticos S.L.
Avenida de Magoi 66 - 27002 Lugo (España)
Tel./Fax 982801517

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