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Re: Openerp accounting constraints module -> ideas?


On 10/18/2012 09:28 PM, Mohammad Alhashash wrote:

if you need some constraints you may want to use this module
http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~c2c/c2c-rd-addons/trunk/files/head:/constraint/ <http://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Ec2c/c2c-rd-addons/trunk/files/head:/constraint/>
I also suggest adding journal constrain to account; an account is allowed only on specific journals. This could be useful for bank and cash accounts.
Currently, we can specify which accounts can be used on specific 
journal, but the opposite constrain (which journals can be used for 
specific account) can be very useful.

Mohammad Alhashash

On 11-Sep-12 11:46 AM, Frédéric Clementi wrote:
Dear All,

Our experience with accounting on OpenERP shown us that the system is, today, not trustable enough since it allows user to do many mistakes.
So, at Camptocamp, we plan to create a module for (v5 and v6.1) 
adding constraints to Openerp accounting in the core source code ; 
 we want, at the same time, to stick as much as possible to the 
standard so anyone will be able to install it on top of a standard 
In other word, our goal is to press on very few buttons...but, if 
possible, the right ones :)
Here are the first set of ideas we have gathered :

* Account :
- For Openerp v5 only, forbid to modify the type to 'view' if journal entries have been already posted on this account. - Forbid to modify the code of an account if journal entries have been already posted on this account.
* Reconcile
- Forbid the reconciliation between move lines if partner is not the same.
- Forbid partner name duplication -> can generate errors on reconcile
- Force account with type 'recevable' or 'payable' to have a partner on journal entry
* Date/Period
- Forbid the possibility to post a journal entry on the wrong fiscal year in the core of the source code. - Forbid the possibility to get date outside the periode : this flexibility given generates too many problems (ie: filters or journal entry posted on the wrong month or worst wrong year). This features already exists (checkbox in journal) -> we want to hide this option.
* Fiscal year
- Forbid the possibility to have more than 1 special period (=opening period)
- This special period must be one day only
- This special period must be on the very first day of the fy

*Closing fiscal year wizard
- Forbid to close a fy if : 1 - total debit <> total credit 2 - All previous fy are not closed 3 - All period in the fy must be closed 4 - All journal entries must be validated (already check in v6 when closing period but not in v5)
* Journal entries
- Forbid the modification / deletion on a automatic journal entries (ie: generated by an invoice, bank statement, voucher, cash,... ?) - Forbid to post any entries except on journals with type 'general' in order to force users to good practices (create invoices and use banks statement for ex.)
Of course, it has to be challenged and completed with new ideas so we 
count on your help.
Thank you all,

Business Solutions
Camptocamp SA
Tel : + 41 (0)21 619 1041


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