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Message #01987
Re: Cost and sales price fields in multi-company
IMHO Lots should be used for Lot traceability. Maybe as a workaround in
some implementations.
Not suitable for or FIFO or serial numbers mgmt.
For "Specific identification" costing method I only have experience
with Car dealership scenario where cost for a new/used car is calculated
for specific chassis no. - more serial no. than lot no..
I wouldn't use "stock" modules for car sale, don't know about other
Specific identification costing scenarios.
Goran Kliska
*Slobodni programi d.o.o.*
*Gorjanska 23, Zagreb*
*tel. +385 (1) 3095 113*
*fax. +385 (1) 3095 148 *
*mob. +385 91 2722 676*
2013/4/4 Eric Caudal <eric.caudal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Absolutely in favor. We had to implement a average cost calculation on
> MO (simple calculation of the cost of Raw material actually used in an MO)
> and without this feature we can only half implement it.
> Besides, if we have proper cost at stock move level, we could batch
> process a lot of calculations.
> What about having the cost at production lot level? Isnot it necessary if
> we want to achieve some FIFO/LIFO cost management?
> Eric Caudal*CEO*
> --*Elico Corporation, Shanghai branchOpenERP Premium Certified Training Partner *
> Cell: + 86 186 2136 1670
> Office: + 86 21 6211 8017/27/37
> Skype: elico.corperic.caudal@elico-corp.com
> [image: Elico Corp]
> On 04/04/2013 07:59 AM, Goran Kliska wrote:
> Dear Joël,
> My top 3 bad things in open source world:
> 1. Posting videos, tutorials about modules you can't find on LP (and SA
> not doing enough about it IMO)
> 2. Duplicate effort - just learned today about "vat on payment"
> 3. Being silent/ not contributing on expert forums
> Now, I am guilty on all 3 points.
> Sorry. It takes time and knowledge.
> Code is still in very bad shape - early development/ POC
> phase. Embarrassed.
> It is not compatible with OpenERP stock philosophy, community addons,
> looking more like a fork.
> But it is impossible to make it right without radical changes.
> You will see lot of ideas from your R&D work, some Vauxoo modules, and
> others.
> They should take credit and notion in module description.
> At first I tried to be compatible with others work.
> I was wrong saying:
> "I invested 2+ months developing "warehouse_base" module for 6.1 that
> implements described functionality."
> Much better version:
> "... that implements *parts* *of* described functionality *that my
> customers needed most.*"
> My intention was to answer Eric question, but got carried away about what
> is wrong with stock accounting in OE.
> I'am sending you code in next private mail as best I can do in a
> reasonable time.
> Please help with publishing and finishing.
> About:
> Ideally costs should be calculated from account_move_line (like fixed
> assets)
> to avoid "stock accounting" and "real accounting" discrepancies. I am not
> 100% sure.
> I'm sure Nhomar can testify how hard it is to get financial stock_card
> right from current state.
> I'am *strongly *against duplicate data,
> but there are exceptions like Joe Celco aux tables,
> performance/compatibility reasons.
> In any case there must be very,very strong reason for duplication of
> data or business logic.
> (Having one less field (contact_id/partner_id) on forms not being a
> reason at all.)
> Where I would prefer recording the cost price in every stock moves
> and compute it from here.
> Having cost *value *field displayed in every stock move is a must, but
> what it is?
> - for IN(put) picking
> - it is almost right value that will be corrected by supplier/cost
> invoice
> - in case of import and different currency there will be difference
> - some invoices for LC are month or 3 months late
> - we don't want to wait for invoice and block whole process so we
> post best we know
> - it is not a job of warehouse employee to enter invoices
> - origin can be from PO, manually(must!), physical inventory, inter
> wh. output
> - it would be wrong to change it later on stock move according to
> late supplier invoice
> - real, correct value with history must end in accounting anyway on
> warehouse value account
> - for OUT(put) picking
> - it can represent current cost value of the move
> - after processing preceding IN documents it will be wrong
> - again, true value in time can be extracted from accounting
> value in the moment of picking,
> *Using account_move_line to calculate costs*
> - it is in one place => stock value == accounting value ==
> happy accountant anytime
> - in line with how OE handles invoices, reconciliations, taxes,
> assets ->I like that!
> - it is easy to extend logic
> - you can do whatever you want with additional modules (avanzosc
> for example)
> without worrying about cost calculation
> - cost can be adjusted by manual account move (there are cases...)
> - is a perfect sequence for FIFO
> - it is verbose.
> Picking with 100 move lines can be posted with 2
> account_move_lines (without product_id, stock_move_line_id)
> but that is what we have now + hard time explaining to
> accountants what account_move for each stock move really is?
> In other words:
> If stock cost *value* is recorded *for *every stock_move in
> account_move_line in the moment of confirmation of picking
> we can compute price, value, margin, historical margin or anything I
> can think of in any legally allowed scenario.
> Recording cost price and using it for calculation can be good fix for
> not so radical
> I would challenge anyone to prove me wrong, but can't promise timely
> response - I am nowhere near rvalyi's eloquence :).
> Best regards,
> Goran Kliska
> *Slobodni programi d.o.o.*
> *Gorjanska 23, Zagreb*
> *tel. +385 (1) 3095 113*
> *fax. +385 (1) 3095 148 *
> *mob. +385 91 2722 676*
> 2013/4/3 Joël Grand-Guillaume <joel.grandguillaume@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>> Dear Goran,
>> I'm really in favor of your approach, expect may be for that little
>> part:
>> Ideally costs should be calculated from account_move_line (like fixed
>> assets)
>> to avoid "stock accounting" and "real accounting" discrepancies. I am not
>> 100% sure.
>> Where I would prefer recording the cost price in every stock moves and
>> compute it from here.
>> I really invite you to publish your work ASAP ine the communities
>> branches so that others can contribute, the risk is otherwise that another
>> option would be taken... I heard that FIFO is may be under devs... Don't
>> know more about.
>> In every case, I would be interested in having a look at your work !
>> Regards,
>> Joël
>> Le 25 mars 2013 à 09:27, Goran Kliska <gkliska@xxxxxxxxx> a écrit :
>> Hi Eric,
>> Costing in OpenERP is oversimplified IMHO.
>> It can be good enough for one Company with one Warehouse without Landed
>> Costs scenario.
>> For services property field could solve part of the multi-company
>> problem.
>> Cost price, stock valuation method, cost price calculation,
>> accounts for posting, (in some cases Sale price also), Sequences for
>> Picking (I found 7)
>> are all related to a* Warehouse* NOT Product/Company.
>> As Warehouses are defined for a specific Company, multi-company
>> is automatically solved.
>> More :
>> - Posting should be bound to a picking, not individual move - same as
>> Invoice (1 Document== 1 account_move)
>> - Picking is a document (legal), not arbitrary collection of stock moves
>> from somewhere to somewhere
>> - Whole Picking must be related to one warehouse. 2 new fields on
>> Picking: warehouse_id, and contra_location_id.
>> All Picking stock_moves must go from/to warehouse main location (or
>> childs) to/from "contra_location" (or child of contra_loc)
>> For posting one account is defined on warehose, other on contra
>> location. I don't use Product stock_input... Doesn't make sense.
>> - Between two warehouses there should be picking OUT from 1. Wh
>> to inter-company virtual "transport" location, and strongly related picking
>> IN 2. warehouse(with LC).
>> - Technically we could support only one picking between 2 warehouses
>> inside one company, but I found it too complicated to implement
>> - There is a need for a strong (many2...) link between stock_move(s) and
>> invoice line(s)
>> - For each "In" picking company could have Landed Costs (planed,
>> internal, awaiting supplier invoice for a months)
>> - Production(virtual) -> Prod.Plant(internal in) add direct LC same way
>> as In picking
>> - Prod.Plant(internal) -> Finished Goods(internal) add Costs
>> - Supplier Invoices for goods and landed costs should create
>> "corrective" additional posting
>> adjusting stock value for the goods still in warehouse, and COGS for
>> sold goods
>> - Program needs to track all that using FIFO method by warehouse even if
>> costing method for a Warehouse is Average
>> - Look at where Fabien explains it.
>> I think that FIFO with Landed Costs by warehouse should be done first.
>> Then Average is trivial.
>> I wouldn't support LIFO, but there is Specific Identification method -
>> can be based it on Lots,
>> and Plan Costing - can be based on special Price lists
>> (multi-company/currency)
>> - Margin calculation is now based on current cost price from product :(
>> ouch
>> - Physical Inventories should produce:
>> - Inside picking for quantities diff inside one warehouse (without
>> accounting posting)
>> - Surplus picking (new price and comment)
>> - Loss picking
>> - Tax allowed Scrap
>> - Scrap that is not Tax allowed
>> - Internal Picking between warehouses in same company
>> - There is a need for special documents for initial state and price
>> nivelation
>> - In some(all?/most?) countries selling below cost price is tricky (VAT!)
>> - Stock can be valued by cost, sale, retail price
>> - In some countries "Storno" is mandatory (negative qty and posting)
>> - COGS can be taken at Picking Out or Invoice
>> - Ideally costs should be calculated from account_move_line (like fixed
>> assets)
>> to avoid "stock accounting" and "real accounting" discrepancies. I am not
>> 100% sure.
>> Right now I am using:
>> create or replace view account_warehouse_product_sum as (
>> SELECT min( as id , as warehouse_id,
>> aml.product_id
>> ...
>> ,CASE WHEN abs(sum(aml.debit_qty -
>> aml.credit_qty)) > 0
>> THEN sum(aml.debit - /
>> sum(aml.debit_qty - aml.credit_qty)
>> ELSE 0.000 END as *avg_price*
>> ...
>> FROM account_move_line aml
>> JOIN stock_warehouse sw ON (sw.account_id =
>> aml.account_id)
>> WHERE am.state='posted'
>> --AND = %s AND aml.product_id = %s
>> GROUP BY , aml.product_id
>> I am from "storno accounting" country and there are more special issues
>> about retail store accounting, returns,
>> unnecessary margin and VAT posting ...
>> All over Launchpad/Git you can find attempts to deal with parts of a
>> Warehouse costing problem.
>> Fabian diagnose is absolutely correct:
>> Some community members started basic implementations of FIFO/LIFO but,
>> as they don't rely on strong costing foundations, this will not work in all
>> situations (lots of side effects).
>> How important is it?
>> How relevant is<>
>> ?
>> Top 3 idea:
>> Top accounting idea:
>> I invested 2+ months developing "warehouse_base" module for 6.1 that
>> implements described functionality.
>> Plan is to clean/refactor the code and break it to series of modules
>> before publishing on LP.
>> Is there anyone interested in "Costing by Warehouse" aproach?
>> Goran Kliska
>> *Slobodni programi d.o.o., Croatia*
>> 2013/3/23 Nhomar Hernández <nhomar@xxxxxxxxx>
>>> Look for this in launchpad.
>>> A lot of discusions about this.
>>> Reason? Leak of functionality thats all.
>>> Yo have in extra-addons product_multicompany
>>> Comment: all sql view will be broken if it use cost or price.
>>> Written from my android
>>> On Mar 23, 2013 12:11 AM, "Eric Caudal" <eric.caudal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> Currently in product form, Cost price, sales price, stock valuation
>>>> method and cost price calculation method are not multi-company property
>>>> fields when clearly they should be (at least as far as I understand
>>>> multi-company).
>>>> Is there any reason for that or anything that I am overlooking?
>>>> --
>>>> Eric Caudal*CEO*
>>>> --*Elico Corporation, Shanghai branchOpenERP Premium Certified Training Partner *
>>>> Cell: + 86 186 2136 1670
>>>> Office: + 86 21 6211 8017/27/37
>>>> Skype: elico.corperic.caudal@elico-corp.com
>>>> [image: Elico Corp]
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>> *camptocamp*
>> *Joël Grand-Guillaume*
>> Division Manager
>> Business Solutions
>> +41 21 619 10 28
>> *
>> *
