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Re: Improve user / integrator experience


Il giorno lun, 04/01/2010 alle 15.58 -0200, Raphaël Valyi ha scritto: 
> For 1) 
> Fabien said he doesn't want to avoid raising an exception when we
> search a field upon an undefined object because he fairs side effects.
> Given the low test suite coverage, I tend to understand.

yes, i agree

> Could the report_openoffice implement it so we test the concept and
> then eventually toss Tiny so they do it to in their own reporting
> engine? 

Yes, of course.
once the whole report-openoffice team is back from holydays we will do
some tests.
Do you already know which portion of code has to be patched on the
server side to achieve that? 

Davide Corio
email: davide.corio<at>domsense.com
web: http://www.domsense.com
