openerp-expert-framework team mailing list archive
openerp-expert-framework team
Mailing list archive
Message #00351
naming conventions issues
Hello OpenERP S.A. and community,
we are starting two projects on v6 at and doing some early
review tests on v6.
It's not going too bad so far; here is probably the worst bug we found:
We will also propose some minor merges soon.
But we also have some concerns with the naming conventions and we emphasis
them because major version changes are the very rare opportunities to fix
1) it looks like in the sale order object, we use a field "project_id" that
points on an analytic.account instead. Wouldn't that be better to rename it
analytic_id instead?
(This is specially troubling in our case where we develop a module called
"project_quotation" (to be published soon in extra addons) making it
possible to generate a quotation from the project phases resources so we
really need a project_id key; I find it annoying to call it
"true_project_id" instead of project_id for the future generations...)
2) a project now inherits from an analytic account. Well, this is all the
rage, but the inheritance key is called "category_id" (see line 46 in
Is that normal or is it a typo? Wouldn't analytic_id be better?
Can the folks from OpenERP S.A. confirm or correct those database keys?
Raphaël Valyi
** <>
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