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TJ has joined our team


We have a new team member, TJ!

Just to catch everyone up, here was TJ's email to me:

"Jonathan, I noticed the packaging needs some work and wondered if I can
offer my assistance.

I'm an Ubuntu kernel developer but also spend a lot of time fixing bugs
in userland and re-packaging so I'm quite skilled at the intricacies of

My Launchpad ID is "IntuitiveNipple" and you can see in my PPAs I have
also packaged the very latest development snapshots of kdenlive, MLT,
and ffmpeg. I'm pretty sure those packages would be very helpful to you

I have automated build_test and ppa_publish scripts locally that build
and test everything in local pbuilders before uploading to the PPA so I
can catch any silly errors too.  - TJ"

Follow ups