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Next Version of OpenShot (1.4)


Greetings everyone!  I have a few ideas I wanted to bounce off everyone.
 Since the C++ library is taking longer than anticipated (because of
cross-platform slow down... mainly issues with Windows and how much it
sucks), I thought maybe we should knock out another MLT powered release, and
let's call this verison 1.4.

Here were a few things we could focus on:
*Replace Goocanvas with Mutter (or another canvas)*
- Goocanvas is giving us all sorts of trouble with performance (when zoomed
in) and not displaying the entire timeline, due to issues with maximum
width.  This is a MAJOR change, and will likely take a lot of time to get
right, but it could make a HUGE difference to the performance and speed of
OpenShot's timeline.

*Relative File Paths*
- This has been a long standing issue, and one that is easily fixed.  The
.OSP file only needs the relative path to the media, and at run-time we
locate the actual file path and use it.  This would make moving projects
easily, as well as sharing your project easier.  Easy and low risk.

*Improve SWIG Python bindings to MLT*
- I have learned many things about SWIG in recent days, as well as the
ability to add generic Python try/catch around all MLT method calls.  It
works great with C++, but I've never tried it with C, so no promises this
will work.  But, best case, no more "segmentation faults" from MLT that kill
the Python interpretor.  Instead, generic Python errors would be raised, and
we could handle them in some better way.

*Improve ICON and THEME*
- As much as I like the new timeline theme, I think we can improve it a bit
more.  This might go hand in hand with Mutter (or similar canvas), but I
want the clip representations to look as slick as possible, spacing,
play-head, etc... to all as good as possible.  Just saying there are bound
to be some small and significant changes we can make to improve the look and

*Transitions and Effects and Titles*
- We have many effects that are not being tapped into, including many Frie0r
effects, additional audio effects, color correcting effects, etc...  We can
also create a lot more transitions, or use the community to generate many
new transitions and title SVGs.  These are low risk additions to any
release, and add some fun for users.

In summary, the new C++ video editing library is coming along great, but
more slowly than I hoped.  So, a new release of OpenShot would keep the
momentum moving in our direction, and hopefully please our users, fans, and
critics. =)  What does everyone think about this idea?


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